Black Legion (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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“BLACK LEGION” Lobby and Window Displays Novel Folder ACCESSORIES Die cut, so that eyes show through black mask on cover. Printed in two colors. Black on outside; red on inside. ll x 14s DELUXE PHOTOS are in full color and very useful for lobby, front and window displays. Price: only 75c per set of 8. Printed on heavy stock. Size 44%” by 514” closed and 5%” by 9” open. Inside page devoted to Black Legion oath. PRICES: loand (2M). -wice ee Ba perce 3 and 4M _. Cae a $4.75 per M 5M and over..............-._..... $4.50 per M $1.00 extra per M for theatre imprint. Order directly from: INSERT CARD ADVERTISING NOVELTY SERVICE PRICES: 102 Greenwich St. New York City ito 24ici ins 25esea; SENSI IESEI Ge 8 FRA ETRE ENG ARIE RA 25 to 49... 22c ea. 50 to 99 20c ea. Pa iva = ie ae: Displays for lobby and front may be rented. Service includes frames. If you are not as yet familiar with this method of procuring smart looking displays, write today for complete information. American Display Company 525 W. 43rd St. New York City A large variety of banners and display material can be bought or rented at reasonable prices. Available for quick delivery are: VALANCE, BURGEE and FLAG.’ Regular Window Card poy PRICES: ae Write for quotations STIDE MIDGET WINDOW CARD LS ge a ena ge ART FLAG, Inc. Head Se ea. PRICE cco es ge 100-& over. 5446 %ea! 449 W. 42nd St. New York City Photographic Enlargements Wanna BROS. HCTORNES INC. Ve @ eas) a HUMPHREY BOGART dick Foros-trin Obvien Moore Addison Richards 30 3 BO" 40” x 60” PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENT Mounted on heavy board it is available in black and white and in hand tinted colors. Can be used very effectively as a cut-out or with news story clips mounted about figure. Black and White..._...$2.00 ea. Hand Tinted _...$3.00 ea. PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENT Mounted on heavy board, available in black and white and in sepia. In sepia the above layout gives parchment scroll effect. Black and White... $1.00 ea. bepee 20 het Po eo en, 30” HIGH PHOTOGRAPHIC WINDOW CUT-OUT Available in black and white with easel back and mounted on heavy board with space for theatre imprint as indicated. It should be fairly easy to get this display in the best windows in town. PRICE—60c ea. F.O.B. SUPERIOR STUDIOS—Order Directly From: SUPERIOR STUDIOS, INC., 442 West 42nd ST., N. Y. C. Page Fourteen