British Agent (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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“British Agent’ takes its place among the powerful dramas of this screen era’ a.» beuy Artist Tells of Massive Sets For ‘British Agent’ Backgrounds Must Never Be Obtrusive However, Designer Explains e6 HEN an audience leaves a theatre raving about the beautiful settings, it is a sure sign that the art director has failed,’’ said Anton Grot, whose washes and oils are hung in the art galleries of two continents and who designed the sets of ‘‘British Agent,’’ First National’s colossal production now showing at the ............0...00.... Theatre, with Leslie Howard and Kay Francis in the stellar roles. “A setting,” said Grot, “is like a frame for a picture. It should be in perfect taste, blending harmoniously with the picture, but never obtrusive. Surely if one stands admiring a _ beautiful painting, the frame should no distract his attention. “Suppose two. people were engaged in a struggle on the outcome of which depended a life. Can one imagine himself, at such a time, taking note of the draperies, admiring the furniture, or applauding the wall paper? “A perfect setting is one that is so exactly fitting in color, form and detail that it merges with the action. “In the sets for ‘British Agent,’ which is laid in a period of dramatic turmoil, we had to provide backgrounds for action of such importance that the episodes shook the world. No set could overshadow the monumental import of the action itself. We had to build on a big scale. We could not place world history in a puny frame.” “K-good example of harmonizing a set to the scene is in the Moscow attics in ‘British Agent.’ Here the counter-revolutionists secretly hoard their ammunition. I designed strange eerie corners, that cast distorted shadows tc suggest secrecy, intrigue and ne farious plotting. The whole ide:: of the action is in the setting it self,” The picture, inspired by the best selling novel by R. H. Bruce Lockhart, is the passionate drama of an unofficial diplomat and an aristocratic Russian lady turned Red and their conflict between their love for each other and their separate countries, set in the hectic days of the Russian Revolution. Leslie Howard and Kay Francis have the stellar roles while others in the cast include William Gargan, Phillip Reed, Irving Pichel, Walter Byron and Ivan Simpson. Michael Curtiz directed from the screen play by Laird Doyle. Scene From Strand Hit Picturesque Gypsy Inn Is Reproduced In “British Agent”’ One of the most colorful sets of “British Agent,” the First National production, which comes to these: EBVO GLO” ON ..-.:5.<Fessescas is a famous Gypsy Trakteer, or Inn, on the outskirts of Petrograd. In this scene, the night life of Russia’s metropolis is shown in all its gayety and abandon. A real Balalaika orchestra is used and the famous Russian Gypsy drinking song, the Charouchka, is sung. The ceremony that accompanies this song requires that everyone at the table be honored by the singer, and then, in turn, to empty the glass in toast to the songster. A new vocal star makes her bow to pictures in this scene. She is a Moscow-born girl, Marina Schubert, whose mother was the famous European diva, Nina Koshetz. Miss Schubert received her musical education at the Conservatoire of Paris. Her beauty is of the dark, glamorous Russian type and the camera as well as the microphone suggests that she is a real film “find.” “British Agent” is a powerful love drama starring Leslie Howard and Kay Francis. It is inspired by R. H. Bruce Lockhart’s stirring novel of the Russian Revolution and the conflict of a man and woman’s undying love for each other with their love for their separate countries. In the supporting cast are William Gargan, Phillip Reed, Irving Pichel, Walter Byron, Ivan Simpson and many other talented players. Michael Curtiz directed the picture from the screen play by Laird Doyle. = Kay Francis, left, Irving Pichel, and Leslie Howard, right, don’t seem immediately concerned with revolutions or wars in this scene from “British Agent,” First National’s gripping story of war-time Russia. The picture was suggested by R. H. Bruce Lockhari’s novel of the same name. “British Agent’? opened its run at the Strand Theatre Wednesday and will continue all this week. Mat No. 1—200e Chews $4.35 Worth Of Gum In Film In ‘‘British Agent,’’ the First National picture which comes to Ehessiiee. cs ast Theatre on ...... stety with Leslie Howard and Kay Francis in the stellar roles, William Gargan as an American welfare worker chews gum throughout the picture. In fact, the gum plays a definite part in his char acterization. The prop man’s voucher for gum alone was $4.35. Bill says he never wants to see another piece. Author Writes Of His Own Life in “British Agent” R. H. Bruce Lockhart Was Unofficial Diplomat In Russia During Revolt OLLYWOOD was given its big chance in ‘‘British Agent,’’ the First National picture which comes to the Hor Seatac oe Theatre on Not for years has the film colony had the opportunity to demonstrate its scope, flexibility and adaptability which is now afforded in the forthcoming picture inspired by the sensational best-seller novel of R. H. Bruce Lockhart. Author and Star Meet Leslie Howard, star of the film “British Agent’ and R. H. Bruce Lockhart, author of the novel which inspired the picture, meet in London to talk things over before the cameras roll. The meeting of these two vivid personalities was described glowingly by both as “bully.” “British Agent” will open at the Strand soon, with Kay Francis playing opposite Leslie Howard. Mat No. 8—20c ‘British Agent’’ Cossack Was Guard Of Czar of Russia Sam Savitsky is one of those stranger-than-fiction figures with which the studios abound. On the set of “British Agent,” the Warner Bros. picture now showing at the........5....... Theatre, he is just a wild Cossack officer leading his mounted troop in a raid on the streets of Petrograd. His real story would give Ripley pause. Cast adrift by the inundation of his own world, Sam landed on the shores of Hollywood’s makebelieve kingdom. He is in every Russian picture. Back. in 1917, just before the revolutionists wielded their axes on the Romanoff throne, Sam Savitsky was a member of the Czar’s Palace guard. As a model ‘Cossack horseman, he was made Equestrian Tutor to their Majesties, the Princesses of the Royal House. “British Agent” is a smashing love drama set in the cataclysmic days of the Russian Revolution, inspired by the novel of R. H. Bruce Lockhart. Leslie Howard and Kay Francis have the stellar roles, the cast including William Gargan, Phillip Reed, Irving Pichel, Walter Byron, Ivan Simpson and hundreds of others. Michael Curtiz directed the picture from the screen play by Laird Doyle. Lockhart Describes His Own Experience In “British Agent’’ R. H. Bruce Lockhart, author of the sensational best-selling biographical novel, “British Agent,” the film version of which will be Showa at thes. 9.055. Theatre ON Gg. eie » was the youngest diplomat of any world power during the World War. At the age of twenty-seven he became British Consul-General at Moscow and in 1918 he was selected to head ‘the British Mission to Soviet Russia. No foreigner knew and understood the turbulent events of those Bolshevist days better than he. It was a knowledge that cost him his career and almost cost him his life. After years of strenuous experience, including a term in prison, Lockhart returned to England, but he was tried after his departure by the Bolsheviks and sentenced to death. Lockhart depicted his own actual experiences in his startling novel. No one is better qualified to portray the diplomat than Leslie Howard, renowned English star of the stage and screen, who also served in the World War during this period. Kay Francis is costarred with Howard while others in the cast include William Gargan, Phillip Reed, Irving Pichel, Walter Byron and Ivan Simpson. The picture, a tense, passionate love drama, set against the thrilling background of the Russian Revolution, was made into a mammoth production. In the filming of ‘‘British Agent’’ at tae First National studios with Leslie Howard and Kay Francis in the starring roles, Hollywood proved its right to a place within the cultural world as well as its supremacy in the field of entertainment. The book enjoys the novel distinction of being the choice of both the Book-of-the-Month club in America and of The Book Society in England. Written with bold frankness and meaty substance, the story offered the artisans of the cinema a_ grand wealth of material to be moulded into a screen masterpiece. The author of the stirring book was born in Anstruther in the county of Fife, Scotland, on September 2nd, 1887. His father was a schoolmaster and the family migrated to England in 1906. At the age of twleve young Lockhart gained a scholarhip at Fettes, where he attended for five years. After three years in France and Germany,...Lockhart,,.entered,_the Indian Civil Service, but the climate of Malaya and Singapore did not agree with the young Scot and a year later he returned to England in broken health. Passing his examinations for consular service, he was sent to Moscow as British Vice-Consul in 1912. There, his work brought him into frequent contact with the Tsar, Trotsky, Litvinoff, Stalin and Lenin. The young diplomat fell into disrepute at home even though he was endangering his life daily to fulfill his mission and obligation to his homeland, being scorned by those in whose behalf he was working, No foreigner knew and understood the turbulent scene in those Bolshevist days of Trotsky and Lenin better than he. It was a knowledge which cost him his career—and almost cost him his life. After years of strenuous experience, Lockhart was returned to England in 1917 in temporary disgrace. In 1918, however, he was selected to head the unofficial British Mission to Soviet Russia. Following trying adventures, including a term in prison, Lockhart returned to England, being tried by the Bolsheviks after his departure and sentenced to death. Lockhart’s amazing story reveals an idyllic romance in its background. Woven throughout his experiences are seen the effects of a passionate love, much of which unconsciously moulded his life. Nothing more gigantic in scope or more honest in sincerity can be brought to the screen than ‘‘British Agent.’’? The selection of Leslie Howard, famed English stage and screen star, is an ideal choice for the title role. The picture is one of passionate love set in the chaos cf the revolution. There is a tremendous cast with hundreds of extras. Among the principals supporting Howard and Miss Francis are William Gargan, Phillip Reed, Irving . Pichel, Walter Byron, Ivan Simp son and Halliwell Hobbes. Michael Curtiz directed the picture from the screen play by Laird Doyle. Page Seventeen