Broad Minded (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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The Humor of the Picture! “BROAD MINDED,” COMEDY ROMANCE OF | William Collier, Jr. TWO WOMAN-CRAZY BOZOES WHO | Supports Joe Brown BEAT IT WEST IN A BABY AUSTIN In “Broad Minded” Joe E. Brown Delights Crowds At The Strand As Timid|Son Of Beloved Broadway Hero Of Kalmar And Ruby Comedy, Ona Comedian Plays Part Of A ° Personally Conducted Munson And Wm. Collier, Jr., Support Rich Playboy (Review Featuring the Story) Joe E. Brown appeared at his funniest last night when his engagement in First National’s ‘‘Broad Minded’’ opened at ies oe oe tse Theatre. Always a favorite here, he has never been aceorded quite such enthusiastic applause as that which greeted him as Ossie Simpson, the timidly girl-conscious, who by an odd twist of fate has been ut in charge of a wealth layboy, Ze ie wants to Be hin a Goofy For Gals of reach of the blonde who is determined to acquire him as a means to getting possession of his dad’s millions. (Biography, May 15, 1931) William Collier, Jr. who supports Joe E. Brown in “Broad Minded,” the Warner Bros. comedy now at the eee Theatre is the son of the beloved Broadway comedian, Willie Collier, and had the advantage of four years stage training with his father before beginning his screen career. William, Jr. was born and edueated in New York City, graduating from St. de La Salle Academy. He is five feet ten inches in height, weighs one hundred and fifty pounds and has brown eyes and hair. He has been successful in pictures, among these in which he has appeared being “The Lion and the Mouse,” “Beware of Bachelors,” “Women They Talk About,” “Hard Boiled Rose,” “Little Caesar,” “Reducing” and “Broad Minded.” u When he opens his eyes he looks for girls! When he opens his mouth you’ll look for laffs — and get plenty! Wilder! Longer!! Louder!!! The two beat it westward in a baby Austin—and wrecks—rescues— complications with new feminine menaces—and a thousand and one funny mix-ups go to make up the story which is by Kalmar and Ruby— the Broadway favorites who wrote “Animal Crackers,” “Hold Everything” and many others. That the collaborators know the technique of making people laugh is evident from the story. with ONA MUNSON WM. COLLIER, JR. MARJORIE WHITE ORPHEUM| A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE HIT Ona Munson Here In “Broad Minded” With THE FUN Funny Joe E. Brown) Ves Joe E. Brown is lucky in the director chosen by the producers. Mervyn Le Roy, who, if we are not mistaken directed the dynamic and unforgettable “Little Caesar” — a picture as remote from “Broad Minded” as the north pole from the south— has directed this slap-stick classic with equal verve and appreciation. Miss Munson, Broadway Musical Comedy Hit, Descendant Of Revolutionary Hero Cut No.2 Cut 4oc Mat 10c The support is excellent. Ona Munson, Broadway musical comedy hit plays lead. Others are William Collier, Jr., as the gallivanting rich (Biography, May 15, 1931) | ONA AND JOE TEAMED Player Who Toured FOR THE THIRD TIME Ona Munson, who is appearing at : ; e e : boy. Beauties of the sereen are in as Theatre in “Broad| With Irving Terry IN “BROAD MINDED” great evidence, among them being Cut No. 13 Cut 15¢ My ef ian. Comes= ate re yx, Marjorie White, Margaret Livingston" —_ ST Holmes Her Here In Comedy (Advance Reader) a ston, Thelme Joe E. Brown, now at the ...... St ence eee ERE EE Ty scenic _ Ta and Bela 7: : Theatre in First National’s comed Bela “Lugosi, ~Honiies “HERB er ta ee i aT a a 1931) | Ripa Sa Mindad” ¢ ee eee pal . George Grandee are also in the cast. —__|Twinkle,’ “Manhattan Mary” and ST eniinies> ania ina Aenea Gig ck ici aie Rae eae Grayce Hampton now at the .... pera Theatre in Warner Bros. “Broad Minded,” starring Joe E. Brown, was born in Devonshire, England and educated at the Ursuline Convent, Essex and the Sister Convent in Brussels. Odorado Barri, composer of “The Boys of the Old Brigade” and other songs, was her singing teacher and introduced her to Sir Augustus Harriss who engaged her for his pantomimes and later for his Drury Lane melodramas. She then secured from Sir Henry Irving a role in “Robespierre” and after playing in London went with the company to New York and then on a tour of the United States, She married Charles Dodsworth, principal comedian with the company. After her return to England she became understudy to Ellen Terry and later secured an important role in “Dante” which went to New York. She toured with Sir Henry Irving in “The Bells.” On her next trip to America she joined the Jane Cowl company and returned for five years. Her more prominent stage roles were in “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” “The Queen Was in the Parlor” and “Let Us Be Gay,” the last of which she also played in Los Angeles which led to her going into talking pictures. She has made two talking pictures, “The Bat Whispers” and “Broad Minded.” is supported by vivacious Ona Munson. The two played together several years ago on the stage production of “Twinkle, Twinkle.” For that reason Brown asked that Miss Munson play opposite him in the sereening of “Going Wild.” Sereen officials, in appreciation of their marvelous teamwork, chose them for the merry sequences of “Broad Minded.” The picture is from an original story by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby. The cast ineludes William Collier, Jr., Marjorie White, Holmes Herbert, Margaret Livingston, Thelma Todd, Grayce Hampton, Bela Lugosi and George Grandee, Mervyn Le Roy directed. “Hold Everything.” She is under a long term contract with First National and has been featured by them with Joe E. Brown in “Going Wild” and “The Hot Heiress” with Ben Lyon. —<«“Broad Minded” is delightful nonsense, the sort that is relished by the wisest men. Joe E. Brown’s comedy will be relished by the whole family. Take them all and give them the time of their lives. Joe E. Brown Seeks Honor Of Becoming Multi-Lingual Star (Advance Story) Joe E. Brown, coming to the SE a ge TRGMtTOR ee ice ers next in “Broad Minded,” the First National comedy in which he is starred, says that it is his intention to become the most celebrated of international stars, speaking in all languages, including the Sanskrit. His latest acquisition is Japanese, which is the strange tongue he uses with such apparent fluency in one of the sidesplitting sequences of “Broad Minded.” He says he has already mastered Chinese and Russian, to be displayed in later fillums. He says he doesn’t possess the biggest mouth in captivity for nothing —and that he backs it up with one of the cleverest cerebrums in the world. He says that in moments when he has doubted it, he has tried his stuff on his dog, and been reassured. Thos: who support the star in “Broad Minded” are Ona Munson, William Collier, Jr., Marjorie White, Holmes Herbert, Thelma Todd, Margaret Livingston, Grayce Hampton and George Grandee. The story is by those famous writers of Broadway musical comedy hits Kalmar and Ruby. Mervyn Le Roy directed. Miss Munson was born, in Portland, Oregon, on June 16th, 1908. She is a direct descendant of Oliver Wolcott, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. She was educated in Miss Catlin’s private school in Portland, -beginning her stage career in vaudeville and leaving it for musical comedy. Lugosi Plays Romeo When Real Lover Is Suddenly Taken Ill (Biography, May 15, 1931) Bela Lugosi, who plays the temperamental Pancho’ in “Broad Minded,” the Warner Bros. picture starring Joe E. Brown, now at the Fo ee ae Theatre, is a native of Lugos, Hungary. He attended the Academy of Theatrical Art and his big moment came when the Romeo The beautiful actress is accomplished as a dancer, doing ballroom, tap and acrobatic with equal grace. She has traveled extensively and has a marked preference for Switzerland. Miss Munson plays tennis, swims and rides horseback. She is five feet two inches in height, weighs one hundred and eighteen pounds and has blue eyes and blonde hair. She is the wife of Eddie Buzzell, the comedian. Star With Biggest Mouth Aided By Littlest Midget (Current Reader) The smallest man in the world has an amusing bit in Joe E. Brown’s First National comedy, “Broad Mind. ed” which is now at the .......... Theatre. He is Johnny Winters, aged twenty-five, height three feet six inches, weight 60 pounds. Mervyn Le Roy directed. The supporting cast includes Ona Munson, William Collier, Jr., Marjorie White, Holmes Herbert, Margaret Livingston, Thelma Todd, Grayece Hampton, and Bela Lugosi. COLISEUM of a traveling theatrical troupe which visited his native town, fell ill, and Bela was given the chance to play the immortal lover of Juliet. Miss Massachusetts In B.P.O.E. Contest Supports Joe Brown He first appeared on the screen in Hungary in 1915. He has been in pictures ever since, in Germany and America. He considers the title role of “Dracula,” which he did on (Biography, May 15, 1931) Thelma Todd, who plays the part of Gertie Gardner in “Broad Minded” the Warner Bros. comedy starring Joe BE. Brown, now at the ........ Theatre, entered pictures as the result of a beauty contest conducted by the Elks. She was elected Miss Massachusetts, and “The Paramount School of Acting,” scouting for members, gave her her first chance. Previous to the contest she had been teaching school in Lawrence, Massachusetts, her native town, where she had graduated from the Normal School. Miss Todd is five feet four inches in height, weighs one hundred and twenty-two pounds and has blue-gray eyes and blonde hair. Among her more recent pictures are “Hell’s Angels,” “House of Horror,” “Trial Marriage,” “Careers,” “Naughty Baby,” “Her Private Life,’ “A Woman of the World” and “Broad Minded.” stage and screen, his best portrayal. He was also in “The Thirteenth Chair” and others. a LAST TWO DAYS! JOE E. | 8) 35e Until One O'clock a: , Main ¥ oe ; A Last Times Pena iy FRIDAY : Cut No. 18 Cut goc Mat roc Cut No. 21 Cut goc Mat rq je : ee Page Five