Brother Rat and a Baby (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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Step Out and Make Some : FOO III OSI IOI IOI IOI IOI I IDI DIDI NINI AAA AIS 1. ‘Baby Answers Back’ Newspaper Contest Contest is based on the familiar questions we all had put to us when we were kids. Idea is for contestants to frame their own answers along the lines of the samples given each day. Whimsical wisecracks and use of the baby, always a human-interest angle for newspapers, makes this five-day contest easier to plant and a swell builder-upper for your showing. Order “BB Contest Mats 501B°’ — 7ic — from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th Street, N.Y. C. (Publicity Story) Here's your chance to tell them off with just the answer you would give those cute folks who ask silly questions and know very well baby cannot talk. Now if you were a baby and could talk what would you say if someone asked you, for example: "What's the matter little boy, did you lose your tongue?" For your answers to five of these questions the Strand Theatre, in collaboration with the Daily News, is offering free tickets to the new picture, "Brother Rat and a Baby," which comes First Day: “Go ahead, baby, give your uncle a great big kiss.’ to the Strand next Friday. Every day this week, starting today, the Daily News will print a scene from the picture in which somebody appears to be asking Peter B. Good, the baby in the picture, one of the age-old questions put to babies. All you have to do is give Peter a whimsical answer along the lines of the suggested sample also given. Save all your answers until you have the complete set of five, then send them in to the Daily News Contest Editor. 9 (Sample answer: “Tsk, tsk, the things some kids have to put up with.” ) Second Day: “What are you, a little boy or a little girl?” (Sample answer: *“‘Haw! what a question.’’) C12] Third Day: “How would you like to have a little baby sister, Snookums?” (Sample answer: “It’s okay with me, but not one like this dummy.’’) Fourth Day: “Say hello to your daddy, snookie.” (Sample answer: “Pt-t-t-t’—for the unenlightened that’s a Bronx cheer.) Fifth Day: “What do you want to be when you grow up, my little man?” (Sample answer: “A traffic cop, and quit pushing me around, mugg!’’)