Bureau of Missing Persons (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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POSTERS WITH SELLING PUNCH! DESCRIPTION: Title orange on dark blue background. Hand and glass yellow green with blue shadows. Heads of stars 4 H FET are in natural colors. Cast and credits are in dark green on a light blue background. THREE SHEET ES QIHAY HAPOENS FID GARS WHO DYSARPERR ¥ SIX SHEET INSERT CARD HAT HAPPENS: $9. GIRLS WHO DISAPREAR? Sliding Scale of Prices for Accessories 1-SHEETS WINDOW CARDS Titan iio, ce ee 15e each each each Sete LOO ee ioe 13c each each ONE SHEET Over POO eas eee lle each each 3-SHEETS each each Weropeay. e oo ae ere 40c each nek Over 2c ee ees 36c each HERALDS | ENE ta OE 2 ee $3.00 per M O VE are uit iuees Z 6-SHEETS ver 5M 2.75 per M PHOTOS ARE ALL THE KIDNAPP Wtol TOs se ee ees 75¢ each TE 31d Phe de I Fa a : AT LAST THE RACKET 5 ING$ REAL ? FE tee i ea 70c each (8 in set—colored) Over: 20 2255 ees 65c each 22 x 28: Photos! G0" 80c a set (2 in set—colored) a ee it oe st ah 15e each ° BETTE DAVIS 24-SHEETS Stills ...... veeeteeafennpecsenet 10c each " 5 Laws, stone Midget Window Cards....4c each Aten Jenin Up. 0 BSS whips .ccsc0: $2.00 each Merchandising Plans ........ Gratis Ba ay i 45 ea a Gan 1.75 each Wiusie: Cres 70 a Gratis (These prices apply to U. S. only) MIDGET WINDOW CARD Printed in U.S. A.