Cherokee Strip (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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Dick sings his latest hit, “(My Little Buckaroo” Whearwer ad CAMPAIGN PLAN (Lead Off Story) ‘GHEROKEE STRIP? AN 89 THRILLER COMES 10 STRAND There was little need to call into play the imaginations of scenarists Luci Ward and Joseph K. Watson when it was decided to make a movie based upon the opening to settlers, back in 1889, of free lands in what was then the Indian Territory and now is the State of Oklahoma. Recorded history, and _ the newspapers of the day, preserved for this and future generations the wild race on horseback into “The Cherokee Strip.” Men and women who are not yet old will recall the episode as a real-life thriller of the day —the race itself, starting at the sound of gunshots fired by Army officers. All this is shown in “The Cherokee Strip,” which was made by First National with Dick Foran, the singing cowboy, as the hero, and Jane Bryan and Helen Valkis as heroines. The picture will open next ........ at the Theatre. It is a Western picture, yet not of the routine type. Ever since signing Foran, the producers have kept him away from the old-style Westerns. Dick plays a young attorney, eager to hang out his shingle in a brand-new town. He does so, and though bested in the beginning by the town’s boss (this latter played excellently by Ed Cobb), he cleans the place up and succeeds in his romance. Other players are David Carlyle, Joseph Crehan, Milton Kibbee, Jack Mower, Tom Brower and 9-year-old Tommy Bupp, child star. “The Cherokee Strip,” it is predicted, will interest the whole family. Special songs have been written by M. K. Jerome and Jack Scholl—notably “My Little Buckaroo.” (Opening Day) ‘Cherokee Strip’ With Dick Foran At Strand Today The brave days of old when nele Sam was throwing open free homestead. lands to pioneers willing to race for them and develop them, live again in “The Cherokee Strip,” the First National melodrama starring Dick Foran, which opens at the Sts at earner Theatre today. The choicest land went to those who claimed first, traveling by cow ponies, buckboards, covered wagons or on foot. All this is depicted with historic accuracy. No writers’ fancies were needed in plotting “The Cherokee Strip,” which First National has made on a vast scale. There are two heroines, Jane Bryan and Helen Valkis, and a number of other noted players, ineluding Ed Cobb, Milton Kibbee, David Carlyle and Gordon Hart. Dick Foran, the singing cowboy, is not a cattle puncher this time. He’s a young (singing) lawyer who takes part in the race and hangs his shingle in one of the boom towns as well as in the hearts of one or two of the local belles. It’s a Western picture, but far removed from the ordinary type and with M. K. Jerome and Jack Scholl—notably “My Little Buckaroo.” TWO LADIES AID FORAN Dick Foran has two leading ladies, Jane Bryan and Helen Valkis, in “The Cherokee Strip,” First National’s spectacular filming of the Oklahoma Territory land rush of 1889. Both were graduated from the Pasadena Community playhouse. The pic ture is now showing at the Theatre. (Review ) ‘Cherokee Strip’ Is Fine Picture Of Pioneer Days Dick Foran Stars In Story Of The Opening Of Indian Lands In 1889 ‘‘The Cherokee Strip’’ the First National picture starring Dick Foran opened at the.... to enthusiastic audiences. oe ae Theatre last evening The actors were applauded many times during the performances and especial pleasure was taken in the singing of ‘‘My Little Buckaroo.”’ “The Cherokee Strip” was the popular name of that undeveloped region which was opened by President Benjamin Harrison to anyone who wanted to make a dash for a piece of it. Thousands camped around the borders for days, ready to start at a signal from Army men. Among the pioneers is Dick Foran, as Dick Hudson, a young lawyer eager to hang out his shingle in the new territory. Because of an enemy plot, he is a loser in the race, but he has the satisfaction of seeing the family of his sweetheart, played by Jane Bryan, obtain a good location. Dick starts his law practice in one of the boom towns, but his enemy Link Carter, played by Ed Cobb, controls the town and its courts, and Dick loses his cases. Dick’s resourcefulness and courage, however, enable him to unmask Carter as a crook, a eattle thief and a killer, and the climax sees Dick triumphant and Carter on his way to the gallows. Members of that generation of Americans who are now middleaged will probably recall the big thrill they got as youngsters, hearing about the opening of Indian Territory (now Okla homa) to white settlers. It’s all in “The Cherokee Strip.” Foran, who seems to be improving with each picture, gives a masterly performance as the young lawyer. He sings several songs through the course of the photoplay, and, of course, has a tender romance with Jane Bryan. David Carlyle and Helen Valkis are excellent as Tom and Molly Valley, young pioneers Singing Cowboy Dick Foran, golden-voiced cowboy star, sings “Little Buckaroo” in the First National picture, “Cherokee Strip,” a tale of a cowboy and a kid who find thrilling adventure in a land rush, which comes to the __________Theatre on _____..____ke Mat No. 1083—10c who help Foran. Cobb is effective as the villain. Others who do important parts well are Gordon Hart, Joseph Crehan and Milton Kibbee. Can Foran Croon Cowboy Ballads? Hundreds Of ’Em Dick Foran, the film knows 467 cowboy songs—well star, enough, at least, to sing a few lines or verses of them. He didn’t learn them all in pictures, in college, nor yet on the range. Foran comes from the radio, where he was a _ singer before the studio signed him, almost sight unseen, after hearing him over the ther waves. When screen tests revealed his huge size, handsome face and shock of red hair, his new employers were a bit startled, and didn’t know just what to do with “Western” ditties he knew in such great number and him. The the fact that he was an expert horseman seemed to supply the cue, and after a minor role or so he was placed in the company’s outdoor films as a he-man star. Masculine as Dick’s roles always are, bé croons many a ditty in them. His latest, “The Cherokee Strip, now -at, the... 6. Theatre, is no exception, although it’s a big production, a bit on the spectacle side, dealing with the land rush of 1889 into Oklahoma Territory. In this picture he rides and shoots and wields a mighty fist, but he sings to Jane Bryan, leading lady, and Helen Valkis, another beauty in the show, some brand-new ditties, written specially for the picture. Between “Westerns,” difficult, highly dramatic acting roles such as he portrayed in “Petrified Forest” and “Black Legion” are dealt out to Foran. “The Cherokee Strip”—a First National picture—is a thrilling outdoor adventure-romance of those pioneer days of 1889 when Indian Territory—now Oklahoma —was thrown open to white settlers, with free lands for the first arrivals. Country of origin U. S. A. Copyright 1937 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers.