Cherokee Strip (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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“CHEROKEE STRIP” EXPLOITATION EASY SELLING ANGLES FILM'S HIT MELODY WILL SELL TICKETS ‘““My Little Buckaroo,” the feature song of ‘Cherokee Strip”’ is already definitely established in the “hit” class. Written by two of Hollywood’s ace song writers, Jack Scholl and M. K. Jerome, it is among the best sellers from coast to coast. Capitalize on the unusual popularity of this song by exploiting it in every possible manner in your lobby, with music store, window and counter displays, over the radio and plugging by local dance bands. A few other methods of selling the film with music are: Community Sings Community sings are very popular wherever tried. Why not take advantage of the trend and feature a ‘“sing’’ devoted entirely to cowboy songs. Highlight the film’s smash song hit “My Little Buckaroo” which has become one of the most popular tunes on the air. Someone with a good voice and dressed in cowboy outfit might lead the group chorusing. And if you use an organist be sure to dress him in Western outfit. Audience Whistles Your audience would enjoy competing in a whistling contest. Give the boys a chance to let go, and let them hit the notes to cowboy tunes, featuring ‘‘My Little Buckaroo’ from your show. Might award prizes to the best warblers. And let the entire audience join in the choruses. Covered Wagon Bally A covered wagon reminiscent of the old western type with a few cowboys and gals aboard should make a good street bally for this show. Send it around town with music plugging “‘My Little Buckaroo.”’ Perhaps you can dig up a few guitars and harmonicas for the musical background. Pron WABNER BROS Prcting CHEROKEE STRIP : £r ee Ih FORA 2 FRR ete ete os ow ade ee JADE Bean ~ ric by BALK SCHOLL Wackic by M4. JEROME , WETMABK & SONS RUN TREASURE HUNT Conduct a search for hidden treasure, or hidden claims. Claims could be a gag lease on certain seats in your house for a performance of ‘‘Cherokee Strip.” Get the kids to search for claims which are hidden near well known locations ... landmarks. Tips on correct locations should be posted daily in lobby frame. Might change hiding place each day. GRAB-BAG IN LOBBY The picture concerns the opening to white settlers of the vast Oklahoma Territory. One way of playing up the land-grab angle would be to hold a grabbag in your lobby for the kids. Persons grabbing out the lucky packages are invited to see film as your guest. Might put variety of picture plugs in every package. Tie-up with a merchant and you can promote a number of extra prizes such as toys, games and candy. VITAPHONE SHORT ROUND-UP “PORKY’S ROMANCE” (Looney Tunes) Introducing Petunia, a new Leon Schlesinger cartoon star, who becomes Porky’s love nemesis in a delightful laugh cartoon. (7 minutes—No. 2808) “LIFERS OF THE PARTY” (Broadway Brevities) The four Yacht Club boys with more novel songs and gags. “IT ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU” (20 minutes—No. 2027) (Merrie Melodies, Tech.) Clever little color cartoon with a lilting musical score! Grand entertainment. (7 minutes—No. 2206) “A MUSICAL JOURNEY TO SOUTH AMERICA (Melody Masters) Exotic tangoes and rhumbas played by the Rimacs Orchestra. (10 minutes—No. 2514) “SOUND DEFECTS” (Broadway Brevities) Irene Delroy, and Rufe Davis, outstanding hill-billy comedian, co-star in a sprightly musical. (20 minutes—No. 2030) “ALPINE GRANDEUR” (Color-Tour Adventures) Switzerland, the land of the Alps, is colorfully captured by the all-seeing cameras of E. M. Newman. (10 minutes—No. 2310) Take advantage of the overnight popularity of the smash song hit “My Little Buckaroo.” Title Page shown on left is printed in black on red background and devotes plenty of space to Dick Foran and the film. Place them in every music window and on every music counter in town. Song is an unusually fine one, a top-notch cowboy tune that whole town ought to be humming as they buy their tickets. They are FREE in limited quantities so we advise you to order them right now from: SAM SERWER R.C.A. Bldg., 1250 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. C. PLUG INDIAN ANGLE Get across the Indian angle to the juvenile trade by staging a woodcraft or knot tieing contest in lobby or on your stage during your Saturday matinee. The local Y.M.C.A. or Boy Scout groups could contribute number of Indian relics for display purposes. Also might award prize to the youth considered the best-dressed Indian or cowboy. GET STORE TIE-UPS Stores are featuring clothing, for wear on dude ranches. Why not suggest that the stores use stills showing Foran outfitted in the proper Western regalia, and a card plugging your show. Might get a department store to run a search for best-dressed cowboy and _ Indian. Complete new equipment to winner and ducats to runners-up. USE ROPE THROWING Make a play for the Saturday morning boy trade by planting a lariat twirler in your lobby to instruct the fans. Rope tricks are popular with Boy Scout troops and some boast exhibition teams. You might be able to put them on your stage for a special morning show. Another way of utilizing the rope throwing to sell film would be to have expert ride thru town on horse and lasso a stooge who precedes him also on horseback. HISTORICAL DISPLAY Lobby display based on history and sure to interest younger folk, is a giant-sized map of Oklahoma with copy: ‘‘President Harrison proclaimed the vast Oklahoma territory open to white settlers on April 22nd 1889. Men flocked toward the Cherokee Strip . . . the good, the bad, the weak, the thrifty, the shiftless and the hungry. Among the latter was’’— (here show a blow up of Dick Foran riding his white horse) . Page Five