China Clipper (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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You fellows who can’t afford to spend too much time or money can get your plugs around town by following the inexpensive suggestions given below. | LOBBY CONTESTS LOBBY CONTESTS WITH PAPER PLANES When we were playing around with ideas for this picture — we played around with paper airplanes (homemade) at the same time and had a whale of a time. Which is just our way of suggesting that you look on page 7 for a couple of good ideas on contests evolving around the throwing of paper planes. Look ‘em over and then adapt ’em for your lobby. All you'll need is sheets of paper to make planes — and you'll find your patrons will have a great time playing with ‘em. 5-DAY CONTEST FOR LOBBY Need we remind you again that the fiveday contest in these pressbooks can be adapted for lobby use, by displaying the puzzles on a lobby board and providing pencil and paper for patrons to jot their answers down? Since this contest is composed of brain-twisters, it should be doubly interesting in lobby. See it on page 8. | STREET BALLYS REACHING THE KIDDIES The kids are naturals for this show — no matter how small your town is. Stunts on page 13 will show you how to get ’em interested without spending too much time or money. LIST OF TESTED IDEAS There are plenty of costless ideas that you ve probably used before but just can it think of at the moment. So we've collected ’em all for you on page 11... and you can decide on which you'd like to repeat and which you may I|'ke to use for the first time. BALLY WITH AIR RECORD It'd be a good idea to buy the airplane record, available on page 11, to use for lobby and front ballys. And if you're do ing any radio advertising, record will come in handy as background. Record will cost $2, but you can use it on future air films . and there are bound to be some. POSTER CAMPAIGN | CUT-OUTS FROM POSTERS The 6-sheet, 3-sheet and 1-sheet available on this picture will lend themselves to cut-outs. If you back ‘em up with cardboard and then cut ‘em out and varnish ’em, you can make attractive lobby and front standees at little cost. Page Fourteen : CO-OP IDEAS | GETTING STORE COOPERATION If you want store cooperation, you can get it at the cost of 10c a store. All you need do is hand one of the tie-up stills, shown on page 12, to a store and suggest that he make a small window display around it. In that way, you can probably line up plenty of windows — and we think they’ll be worth a dime a piece. NATIONAL TIE-UPS AVAILABLE There’s no reason why you smaller fellows can’t make use of the national tieups, just like the big boys do, because they’ve been made available for you, too. There are a number of ’em mentioned on pages 4 and 5, and we'd advise you to contact the necessary parties at once and get in on this costless promotion. COOPERATION FROM AIRPORT If there’s an airport in your town, a call to the manager might net some interesting material for a lobby display. Anything he can furnish, from model planes or parts to fliers’ equipment will do the trick .. . and his airport will get a break while your lobby will be decorated at no cost to your budget. THEATRE DISPLAYS CLIPPER MAP IN LOBBY You can probably lay your hands on a large map of the Pacific. All you do is route out the course that the China Clipper took in red ink, and display it in lobby, with a few catchlines from the ads ... and you’ve got an attractive lobby display. FICTIONIZATION ON LOBBY BOARD You can get the folks interested in the story by making a display of the first two chapters of tne fictionization, illustrated on page 25, for your lobby. Won't cost a cent, because all you do is clip it out of pressbook and paste it on a lobby board. Encourage lobby-lookers to step up and read it .. . because once they get started, they'll want to come in and see film. IDEAS FOR FRONT DISPLAYS On page 10, you'll find a number of ideas on animating the front. You probably can’t afford to go as lavish as illustrations suggest, but they should give you an idea or two for front displays. USE FOR OLD STILLS If you've got any stills of O’Brien from ‘Ceiling Zero’’ left around, you can make use of ‘em again, by displaying ‘em in lobby with caption something like: “The star of ‘Ceiling Zero’ in another picture of the air < .; ete.” They’ve been planned for you — and merit your attention. | AD CAMPAIGN | ... The Earth’s Mightiest Ocean Its Setting! The Air’s Most Daring Pioneers Its Heroes! The World’s Greatest Flight Its Climax! win PAT O'BRIEN ROSS ALEXANDER BEVERLY ROBERTS HUMPHREY BOGART MARIE WILSON Joseph Crehan PJoseph King Addison Richards F Directed by Raymond Enright A First National Picture 75 Lines Mat No. 115—10c ANOTHER WINGED VICTORY | FORTHE PRODUCERS, AUTHOR AND STAR OF ‘CEILING ZERO’! iPAT O’BRIEN ROSS ALEXANDERBEVERLY ROBERTS UMPHREY BOGART MARIE WILSON joseph Crehan. Joseph King-Addison Richards Directo 39 Lines Mat No. 117—10c STRESSING NEWS ANGLE The newsy angle of this story should be stressed —and it can be done very inexpensively via the lobby, if you use the ideas on page 6. For instance, the contest can be displayed on bulletin board — with ducats for first ten correct an swers. It won’t cost much to make a display of headlines. Following along these lines, you can adapt ‘em all, without spending too much.