Colleen (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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ORGANIZE A DANCE WEEK (Lead-off Story) Tyrone To Devote Week Of Dancing For Charity Fetes Tyrone is to have the first Dance Week in its history. The date of its beginning is March 1, and for seven days this eity will frankly give itself over to Terpsichorean festivities in the name of charity, of good health and of just sheer pleasure. Plans for Dance Week were made last night at a meeting held Bieta en (address) at presided. Before the evening was over a permanent committee had been selected to take charge of Dance Week events, and ................ See aa ee was made general chairman. Other committee members are: (list names) The subcommittees follow: Charity balls—(list names) Social Affairs—(list names) Tickets—(list names) Favors and Prizes—(list names) Reception— (list names) Patrons’ Committee — (list names ) The charities which will benefit by the various affairs during Dance Week are: (list names) Among the sponsors of Dance WEOCK-I8: ca ee F manager? of: thon .scc 33.4; c eee. Theatre, who has offered the facilities of his theatre to the committee and who is planning a dancing contest during the week. ‘CA special benefit for the charity will be arranged by the ............ 2 eee Theatre during the week,’’ Said: My. 2m sas. , §fand in keeping with the occasion we shall book the new Warner Bros. musical ‘Colleen’ for that week. This is not the only first big Warner musical to be produced in more than a year, but is specifically a dancing show, with Ruby Keeler, greatest of female tap dancers, and Paul Draper, the sensational Broadway stage dancer, teamed. Others in the cast are Dick Powell, Jack Oakie, Joan Blondell, Hugh Herbert, Louise Fazenda, Marie Wilson and hundreds of dancing boys and girls in addition to a huge cast of film favorites.’’ Arrangements for the benefit are now being considered by the committee. Married Folk To Get Dancing Week Prizes Here’s a break for you married girls. One of the features of the charity ball which will be held in connection with ‘‘Dance Week,’’ which will be observed in Tyrone (date) will be a ‘‘ Husband and Wife’’ prize dance. But the prizes won’t go only to the best dancing couples— there will be a prize for the couple that dances most poorly together, for the wife who best drags an unwilling and ungraceful spouse around the floor, and various other unusual features. There will also be_ special dances awards for best step improvisations and finally there will be the ladies’ choice prize dance, which allows the gals to grab off the partner of their dreams without a battle, because in no case will married couples be allowed to dance together. Page Four With picture chock-full of dancing, you’ve a swell chance for going to town by organizing a “Dance Week.” Our suggestion is that you work it so it doesn’t look like a theatre stunt. Then, when it’s under way, you bring in your show as a natural part of the gag. Interested? Then read on, mister! The whole story’s below: CHOOSING COMMITTEE First step is to get together with a coupla influential friends and round up a Dance Week Committee. Members should include society debs, hotel manager and a few well-known orchestra leaders and entertainers. The more local celebs the better. STORIES TO PAPER Your next move is to release stories announcing Dance Week. You’ll find several prepared stories on this page —but there are plenty of other angles to write about in case you need a few more. BAND LEADERS HELP And now that you’ve got the news angle covered, you’ll need help from other sources. Orchestra leaders playing over local radio station can dedicate songs to Dance Week—and, of course, to film. Station can tie up, too, dedicating sustaining programs to your little stunt. DANCE AT OPENING Opening night can be made quite an event by having a big dance in theatre after show. Naturally, best plan is to have social] group buy out house and then jack up admissions, giving proceeds to charity. If you’ve no room for dance in theatre, tie-up with hotel or night club. COMMITTEE’S BOOST Right after opening, committee hands out statement selecting your show as one typifying the Dance Week spirit. Just a little more publicity — but it won’t do you any harm, will it? WIRE TO THE STARS Another stunt would be to send wires to stars of film, telling ’em that picture has inspired dance week. And local telegraph office can manage to have the stars wire an answer. VARIOUS TIE-UPS And now you’ll be ready to work on regular tie-ups. Music shop has sale of dance records in honor of Dance Week; stores advertise formal gowns and suits for dance wear; dancing schools plug idea, possibly putting on prologue illustrating various types of dancing. Another angle that’s been getting a bit of attention: Doctors have been advising older men and women to dance for health (need we say more?). CONTESTS — DISPLAYS If you want some contests or displays, base ’em on famous dancers of past and present. For example, one display shows feet of famous dancers, asking folks to identify them. With a big break for Keeler and Draper, of course. FIND BEST DANCERS You can hold contest for best dance team in town, possibly promoting a cup to be called the Ruby Keeler Trophy. Contest can be just for imitations of Keeler and Draper, or else an “open tournament”’ with all types of dancing permitted. PUBLICIZE WINNERS After you’ve selected dance contest winners, publicize ’em as the Ruby Keeler and Paul Draper of your town. They make personal appearances at the late spots, do a bit of endorsing, appear at theatre and do anything else you can think of to get publicity for your show. DANCING IN LOBBY Another gesture that may result in a little publicity: Announce that during run of film you'll have dancing in lobby every evening. It’s not the cheapest stunt in the world, but it oughta get a lotta folks to your house. Dance Week Is Made Official By Mayor Of Tyrone Tyrone’s Dance Week is now official. Yesterday Mayor ...........0.cccccce (name) set aside the week beginDING ae a ees (date) as **Dance Week’? and gave the city administration’s approval of the plan to augment the charity funds of the community by a series of charity dances. In issuing the proclamation, the mayor said: ‘The splendid philanthropies of Tyrone, which work constantly to relieve pain, suffering and privation in this city, are certainly worthy of the support of every right thinking man and woman in the city. These charities are in great need of additional funds for relief work. Now a plan is presented whereby our residents may not only contribute to the causes, but enjoy themselves at the same time. This is wholly desirable. Pleasure is greatly enhanced when combined with kindly acts. So I have, at the request of the committee in charge, officially designated the week of 2.0.0... as ‘« “Dance Week in Tyrone’.’’ A meeting of the genera) committee will be held at the ............ ca Sar PHA AON oscars Bits 2: o’clock, to discuss details of a dancing contest which will be held in connection with the showing of ‘‘Colleen’’ the new Warner Bros. dancing musical which will be brought to Tyrone during ‘‘Dancing Week.’’ Doctors Endorse Dance Week As Health Measure If you participate in Dance Week activities next o0.0000000000...... (date) to vc (date) you’ll probably feel a lot better physically as well as having a lot of fun helping the charities of Tyrone, acregi. | ig. ag 9) nine et ae eS RAI pee (name). **Tennis, football, and baseball are fine for boys and girls in their teens and early twenties,’’ 1D) Sera ee aero said. ‘‘Golf, in moderation is wonderful exercise at any age, and bowling can be indulged: in without fear. But for middle age, there is no exercise more beneficial than dancing, and it can be continued as far into old age if one can find a partner. ‘“We still find it difficult to improve on nature,?*? Dr. oaks continued. ‘‘Natural exercises include swimming in summer and walking in all seasons. Walking is the ideal exercise, because it brings into play every muscle, causes deep breathing, and makes for improved circulation. ‘“Tt happens, however, that walking is not ‘fun’ in the modern sense of the word. But when we dance, we accomplish the same purpose as if we were walking, and in addition get the thrill of the music and the proximity of a partner. Dancing is really beneficial, so all physicians will agree that Dance Week should serve a double purpose—increase the treasuries of our philanthropies and enhance the good health of all donors.’? All the profits from the various fetes arranged for Dance Week will go to Tyrone philanthropies, according to General Chairman Sis eae ee This includes the benefit being arranged at the Se eS Oman Theatre during the week, when ‘‘Colleen’’ is shown.