Colorado Territory (Warner Bros.) (1949)

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STORY OUT OF THE HEROIC VASTNESS A NEW HIGH p R Their day of days becomes @ death-hunt IN HIGH EXCITEMENT FROM WARNER BROS! Directed by RAOUL WAL URS Written by John Twist and Edmund H. North Mat 204 — 2 cols. x 8% inches (234 lines ) starring JOEL VIRGINIA MPURCA MAYC Directed by RAOUL WALSH \Written by John Twist and Edmund H. North l col. x 2% inches (35 lines ) BOTH ON ONE MAT ORDER MAT 101 JRE anétémundn nom — *eeedtyY RAOUL WALSH l col. x 1’ inches (22 lines ) Thousand Lawmen , Want Him Dead Girl Wants Him Alive! WARNER BROS’ New Adventure! Written by John Twist and Edmund H. North RAOUL WALSH WP Mat 103 1 col. x 8inches (111 lines) LATE VITAPHONE SHORTS! “BATTER UP”... Baseball’s greatest moments in the careers of such diamond stars as Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig are traced. Sports News Reviews—10 min. “THE BEE-DEVILED BRUIN” .. . A hilarious twist to the story of the three bears. There are easier ways of getting honey than from a bee hive, but the three bears find this out the hard Technicolor Cartoon—7 min. “ENGLISH OUTINGS” . .. Outdoor outings are a tradition in England .. . a boat-racing regatta, sheep dog contests, motor hill-climbing, horse racing and funtime at Blackpool. Technicolor Sports Parade—10 min. “CRADLE OF THE REPUBLIC”... New England, an American Album combining the past and the present, is the subject of a grand sweeping tour in this Technicolor 2-reeler. Technicolor Special—20 min.