Comet Over Broadway (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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WARNER BROS. Presents Faith Baldwin's ‘Great Stor Wait BROADWAY RSyeveobates 3 KAY FRANCIS JAN HUNTER JOHN LITEL DONALD CRISP Minna Gombel Directed by BUSBY BERKELEY Fins Bie XN Screen Play by Mark Hellinger and Robert Buckner * From a Cosmopolitan Magazine Story by Faith Baldwin» A First National Picture Mat 301 — 6!/, inches x 3 cols. (264 lines) — 45c THIS AD ALSO AVAILABLE IN TWO-COLUMN SIZE Order mat 204 — 4l/, inches x 2 cols. (118 lines) — 30c LIKE A COMET... SHE CAME FRO ONCE IN A LIFETIME, YOU'LL SEE A 77 COMET... SHE WAS QUICKLY GONE! For one magnificent moment the world was in her grasp! For a lifetime, she heartbreak! story of Broadway's favorites-for-a-day! with KAY FRANCIS Like a shooting star she flashed over the world, then faded » back into the shadows. Let Faith Baldwin tell the inside Presented by WARNER BROS., starring KAY FRANCIS y : IAN HUNTER | ie JOHN LITEL JOHN LITEL + DONALD CRISP Minna Gombel e Directed by BUSBY Minna Gombe] e Directed by BUSBY BERKELEY e Screen Play by Mark Hellinger and BERKELEY « Screen Play by Mark Hellinger and Robert Buckner e From a Cosmopolitan Magazine Robert Buckner e From a Cosmopolitan Magazine Story by Faith Baldwin e A First National Picture Story by Faith Baldwin e A First National Picture PRESENTED BY WARNER BROS Mat 107 434, inches (67 lines) — 15c Mat 105 6l/, inches (86 lines) — 15c ‘Page Three