Danger Signal (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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EXCITING ‘DANGER SIGNAL’ SHADOW-BOX PLUGS FILM’S MYSTERY AND SUSPENSE THERES \ DANGER IN THIS BOX! ANGER ui A& NAL OnLy On” Aa, SiG AREOFF! Here’s an eye-catching lobby shadow-box, easily constructed from materials on hand, to attract early interest in your playdate. Build the shadow-box from heavy wall or cardboard and paint it bright red. Rig up a set of alternating lights along the top of the box, connected so that the lights go on and off at 30-second intervals. These lights are your "Danger Signals.'' Rope off the shadow-box to carry out the feeling of danger and to arouse curiosity. Use stills from your branch set inside the box and the teaser copy suggested in the illustration above. Danger Stanchions Point To Your Theatre Illustrated, right, is a_ title-selling street stanchion which can also be adapted to direction arrows, road and overhead signs. Spot them around your town, each one with appropriate copy. (Example: Slow—Watch For The "Danger Signal!" Careful—A "Danger Signal” Is Right Ahead! etc.) TURN RIGHT FoR DANGER SIGNAL Real ‘Danger Signals’ For Novel Lobby Display Just another way to make them anxious to see “Danger Signal.”’ Based on the film’s story, set up an attractive lobby display of the following items. 1. A wedding ring 2. Suicide note 3. Revolver 4. Lipstick smear. Use the following suggested copy: Each One Of These Exhibits fs Another Danger Signal See Faye Emerson and Zachary Scott in Warners’ Danger Signal, coming Friday They Did (t This Way At The Victoria in N. Y. 10 This attractive advance lobby frame was used in New York City's Victoria Theatre and created much comment and advance interest in the film. All artwork as illustrated is available on the last page of the ad section of this press book. 30-SEC. ANNOUNCEMENT SOUND: (MONOTONOUS TICK OF CLOCK) (AS) ANNOUNCER: Watch out! There's danger ahead... ! In one more moMOND 654-6 SOUND: (LOUD PISTOL SHOT) (AS) MUSIC: (MUSIC) (SHARP CHORD) (OUT) ANNOUNCER: It's more explosive than dynamite! It's "DANGER SIGNAL" e that blazing best seller by Phyllis Bottome is a Warner Bros. filmhit now... With the screen's most talked-about new stars—Faye Emerson and Zachary Scott ...tIt's a thrilling drama of unmatched conflict and unparalleled suspense « » Of love... and DANGER! Don't miss "DANGER SIGNAL" .. . at the Strand Theatre... NOW! 30-SEC. ANNOUNCEMENT SOUND: (THREE LONG BLASTS AS OF RAILROAD WHISTLE) (AS) ANNOUNCER: Danger!! Stop!...Look!... LISTEN! 2nd ANNOUNCER: It's "DANGER SIGNAL"... Warner Bros.' exciting new drama of love and adventure...starring the screen's most talked-about new stars, Faye Emerson and Zachary Scott......in a. thrilVine story of unmatched conflict and unparalleled suspense... SOUND: (THREE LONG BLASTS AS OF RAILROAD WHISTLE) (AS) ANNOUNCER: Caution! 2nd ANNOUNCER: Don't miss Warner Bros.' "DANGER SIGNAL"...at the Strand Theatre...now! 15-SEC. ANNOUNCEMENT SOUND: (MORSE CODE WIRELESS DISTRESS SIGNAL) (REPEAT) (FADES AS) ANNOUNCER: S.0.S.! There's DANGER ahead! Be on the alert for... "DANGER SIGNAL" . .. Warner Bros.' thrilling new screen drama of a man and woman in love...and in DANGER!...Starring Faye Emerson and: Zachary. Scott... Don" t-missas. "DANGER SIGNAL"...at the Strand THASLYO «.« . HOM