Dangerous (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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THAT WOMAN'S BACK IN TOWN: It’s Bette on the man-¥ hunt again—and this@ time she really turns on the power-throws 4 the switch to the last notch, as the glamorous star of Broadway who was the evil star of men — —in a stops pulling her punches, shows ’em no mercy, let’s go with all she got, in The story of the kind of a girl that men regret—with FRANCHOT TONE MARGARET LINDSAY ALISON SKIPWORTH A Warner Bros. Picture THEATRE The picture Variety Daily cails ‘‘Her Best Achievement.” 276 Lines Mat, No. 211—20c Page Eight es WARNING! INFLAMMABLE When man-wrecking Bette and heart-breaking Franchot start playing with fire, get set for cheek to cheek—_ BETTE DAVIS FRANCHOT Playing the game everyone’s warned them is too A Warner Bros. Picture with MARGARET LINDSAY « ALISON SKIPWORTH JOHN ELDREDGE~ DICK FORAN 272 Lines Mat No. 212—20c