Divorce Among Friends (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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LENGTH (Vitaphone) 6076 Feet RUNNING TIME 67 MINUTES WARNER BIROS. VITAPHoONe REG. TRADE MARK thorization. TAMLIKING IPHACT WIRES 321 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY, U. S. A. Exhibitors are cautioned against using advertising material distributed by agencies not licensed to handle such accessories, and all such agencies are warned against the practice of distributing advertising acces sories on Warner pictures without full au WARNER BROS. PICTURES, Inc. 321 West 44th Street, New York WARNER BROS. PRESS SHEET — DIVORCE SYNOPSIS (Copyright, 1930, Warner Bros. Pictures) George Morris returns to his hrida after ~~ + aut. They anar. rel about a perfumed handkerchief she finds in his pocket and agree to separate. Two “friends” arrive, Paul a hard-drinking sheik, and Joan a blonde vamp. The newlyweds make up their quarrel, but ~later the blonde gets the cigarettelighter Helen has given her husband, there are more attempted alibis and tiffs and whirlwind laughing adventures and Helen goes to a lawyer to get a divorce. Helen desert her and for that reason pretends to care for Paul, George decides to run away with the blonde. Helen and Paul hide in the back Seat of the elopement car. When fixing a flat tire George discovers them, Highwaymen rob the four of money and jewels. The newlyweds still quarrel and again pack up to part. George is begging Paul to be kind to Helen, when the latter overhears and relents. Paul goes home with them, but is later dismissed and the delayed honeymoon begins. REMEMBER— The title, ‘*Divorce Among Friends,” has unusual box-office appeal and smacks of the farce of the story. Play it up for all it is worth — and it’s worth plenty in cold, box-office cash. M O N G IRENE DELROY—LEW CODY LCD vars y AZEVY. “Divorce Among Friends,” the Warner Bros. production, that comes to the........ Theatre next........ : for a run of............ days, is without doubt the gayest and at the same time the most human treatment of the theme—of the gallivanting husband—and the too clever young wife, who gets her wits to work on making an end of things. S 3 ees as ee adh aug ends"=A Warner Bros. Froduction PAUL THINKS HIS IMPASSIONED WOOING has captured the bride of the other man who only uses him to arouse her husband. Cut No. 17 Cut 30c Mat 10c The young married couple in “Divorce Among Friends” has ingratiating James Hall as the groom, and pretty Irene Delroy as the bride. The tippling sheik, who thinks that he has made a conquest of the wife, and gets the shock of his life, when he finds out that she has used him only to win back her errant mate—is deliciously imper THE CAST George Morris JAMES HALL Paul Wilcox LEW CODY Helen Morris TRENE DELROY Joan Whitley__NATALIE MOORHEAD Tom Chadwick_______ EDW. MARTINDEL MARGARET SEDDON Supporting Program The remainder of the bill with “Divorce Among Friends” should, for the best entertainment value, consist of a “Looney Tune,” a Ripley “Believe It Or Not” and a Technicolor musical, course, a blonde—and who but alluring Natalie Moorehead, plays the part. The groom elopes with the blonde—with wife and her woozy wooer hidden in the back seat of the car. It rains cats and dogs— the mud is hub deep—and, to add aaa | ere — Domestic Comedy Drama. It is Light and Gay with Moments of Tense Action. sonated by Lew Cody. There is, of: i SUMMARY ‘ie eT ad oe ROUTINE STORY (The following story contains all the facts about “Divorce Among Friends.” Release it two or three days before the picture comes to your theatre.—Editor.) to the merriment of the scenes thugs hold up the car. This is only one of the many uproarious scenes —that make “Divorce Among Friends” the keenest bit of entertainment to be found anywhere. The picture is Harvey Thew* adaptation of “Two-Timc “Marriage,” a popular magazine story by Jack Townley. The dialogue, clever in the original, has been pepped up by Arthur Caesar, Broadway’s Wittiest wise-cracker. And to add to the combination of cast, story and staging—Roy Del Ruth directed. Mr. Del Ruth has been responsible for many Warner Bros. hits, among them “Gold Diggers of Broadway.” He was selected as one of the ten best directors for 192930 by the annual Film Daily poll. “Divorce Among Friends” is being hailed in all parts of the country as the most captivating play of its type ever filmed. |