Don't Bet on Blondes (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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EXPLOITATION Beauty Shop Tied-Up Barney Dobrans, For Free Star Ads who guides the destinies of the Crown Theatre in New London, Conn., hookedup with a beauty parlor to nab as neat a free ad as we’ve seen in a long time. Beauty shop took a 27 inch ad, featuring the femme star of his film illustrating a novel coiffure, and offering to duplicate it at a special price. No need to tell that the pie received a dandy little plug in the ad. To cinch the stunt, ad offered two free dueats to anyone taking advantage of the offer. Remember, you’ve got a beautiful femme star in every film you play ... there are plenty of beauty shops in town... so the rest is up to you. —Inspect your house staff daily— Art Mureh’s Color Plenty of attention Cards Please Fans was given the stunt pulled lately by Art Murch of the Federal Theatre, Salem, Mass. He made up cards, stating that the bearer present the card he is given to the box office on specific days. Bearer asks cashier if card is the right color. If answer is ‘yes’, he is given a free pass for a future date. Not too many of the ‘right color’ cards were distributed to make it costly _.. and from what Art writes, the folks were jamming around the box office in their eagerness to present the cards. —‘Page Miss Glory’ is coming— More people are becoming interested in golf every year —and exhibs have been writing to tell how they are capatalizing on the great interest. Local golf pro gives an exhibition of shots, positions, and many of the fine points of the game on stage once a week. They report that plenty of folks who never came before, keep coming the night of the exhibition. Sporting goods stores come in on it with ads and window displays plugging the free instruction and their equipment at the same time. There must be a pro around town who’d be interested, no? Golf Pro Does Stufi From Theatre Stage —Build your program with Vitaphone— Three-Sheets Cover Just can’t think of Entrances to Town who the exhib is at the moment, but anyway, this fellow has been using three-sheet boards all over town. Plants them at edge of town. on all roads leading into the place. Result —nobody can drive into town without running smack into his attraction ads. —Is your cashier saying “Thank you’ ?— **Manager-for-a-Day”’ Stunt in Theatre Managers Round Table of M. P. Herald notes the ‘Manager-For-A-Day’ idea, which has _ been worked in many spots with Scout organizations, Junior Leaguers and similar groups. Club members act as manager, ushers, stage hands, etc. for one day, or part of a day. Idea is worked so that it doesn’t interfere with regular routine, house employees carrying on as usual, but instructing ‘new help’ in various duties. Stunt, when properly handled, returns a good deal of publicity via papers and word-of-mouth. Drug Store Window Displays Drug stores sell plenty of stuff used by blondes, as cosmetics, hair dye, hair wash, etc. Looks like a good spot for tie-up window displays on the blonde angle, with line, “Don’t Bet on Blondes unless they wash their hair with Milters Hair Wash, etc.” TEASER ‘WARNING’ ROAD SIGNS ‘Warning’ admonition painted boldly in typical road-sign fashion followed by your title in smaller size might make a novel tease. Can be sniped on avenues in town as well as roads outside. MARQUEE CUT-OUT FROM 6-SHEET Our artist made this cut-out from the sixsheet, just to show your artist how it should look. After he’s cut it, he adds varnish for lustre and durability and slaps it on a board. It'll look good on the marquee or in the lobby . . so darn inexpensive. . and it’s Photographie Studio’s Special Offer for Blondes Photomaton shop or even photographer studio can announce in ad or story that they’ll give ducats to ‘Don’t Bet on Blondes’ to all blondes coming in to be mugged during your run. Tease "Em in Personal Column If you've had success with this idea before, or haven't tried it yet, we suggest you place an ad in the personal column of your papers. Can read: “Dear Joe: Take my advice. DON’T BET ON BLONDES. If you don’t believe me, go down to the Strand Theatre and see for yourself. (Signed) Brunette. BLONDE VS. BRUNETTE IN LOBBY ROULETTE GAME FOR PASSERS Small numbered wheel in lobby contains DON’T BET ON BLONDES photographs of snappy looking femmes with Claire Dodd the only blonde. spin and IF wheel hits Lobby lookers the blonde, you’re out one ducat. Your artist can build it, your usher can handle it... so why not? “How We Got Married’ Makes Good Newspaper Column Picture has peculiar marriage in it. Maybe local paper will run column of contributions on “How We Got Married.” New York’s Daily Mirror has column entitled “How He Proposed,” and it goes over big. So why not contact paper and offer some ducats for most unique answers. Dueats to First Blondes at B. O. Squib on movie page and photo might result if you announce a free admission for first (supply your number here) blondes at the house for opening show. Tie-up Angles General Dealer Stills of Claire Dodd are placed in women’s shops windows. Then they’re tied up with line: “Don’t bet on blondes unless they’re wearing...” “Blonde Sales’ for Department Store Tie-up Window or ads can feature clothes, accessories and hair dress aimed particularly at blondes. Co-op ad could invite blondes to the sale with line like ““Don’t Bet on Blondes’ but you can bet on the big values at Eltman’s and win.” KRoving Photographer Lenses Main St. for Lobby Ducats It would be nice for your paper to come in on this with you, but even if it’s nixed it can be handled as a lobby stunt. Photographer catches blondes on main stem during lunch hour and break of office crowds. You select a few for posting on a lobby board offering ducats to those selected if they show up. If the press is in on it, 3 or 4 heads selected daily are circled and published. If you are handling it on your own, cooperating photographer might be promoted for the break in it for him. Blonde Baby Beauty Contest Via Paper, Stage or Lobby Baby contests have been good ever since the days of Barnum, so why not one now with prizes to the most beautiful blonde child in town? If local paper joins in and reprints photos of kiddies daily, all the better. If not, judging can be held on stage or in lobby. Photog could be approached to snap the tots in lobby free . because you can promise him publicity in return. Lucky Blondes at Beauty Shop Get Free Admission It’s a lucky number idea—but it’s a possibility so we’re giving it this space. Beauty shop gives a numbered herald to every blonde patron. Blondes go to theatre to see if theirs is one of the lucky numbers posted on the front. Oaklies to those holding lucky numbers. “LOVE ADVICE’ IN WINDOW A good looking femme or male in empty store window gives out your herald when passersby come in attracted by large sign offering ‘advice’ free. Tie-in comes in film’s-title. “Care Of Blonde Hair’ In Lobby Demonstration Beauty expert demonstrating the latest in treatment of blonde locks in your lobby or mezzanine ought to cause a little excitement. Short talk and offer of free treatments to first twenty or so, with announcement to that effect in cooperating hair dressers’ ads and in your lobby should be the routine. Title Snipe for Teaser at Arena, Track & Ball Park i aemmeememeeommeraemi am TS In exchange for a small herald or foyer card, you might get the okay for the spotting of cards just bearing slogan “DONT BET ON BLONDES” in all arenas where you know betting to be prevalent. 4-MAN PROTEST PARADE Our artist went a bit out of bounds in illustrating this stunt. We suggest a few fellows carrying banner stating Don’t Bet on Blondes and nothing else. If you must work theatre name in, have another lad bringing up the rear with your playdate credits. Gals Try On Blonde Wigs in Lobby as Display and Tie-up Most brunettes would like to know how they’d look as blondes, and plenty would be better off if they knew in advance. Which gives you the basis of a lobby display and tie-up with hairdresser or beauty shop. They supply a quantity of various blonde wigs, which are arranged in lobby booth. Prospective blondes are invited to step up and try a wig to see how they’d look. Mirror, sigas on booth, etc., all help the display. 2-COL. NEWSPAPER POEM-PUZZLE Can be used as a one day contest with prizes for the neatest and nearest correct translations. We hear that many exhibs are using it as a straight feature, eliminating the contest angle altogether. Though illustrated in miniature it comes to you 37%” wide. (SOLUTION ) Warren William plays Odds Owen gambling king, Whose motto is: “Bet any thing on anything!” Bill Gargan. nicknamed “Numbers,” is the aide Who puts all memorizers in the shade— And keeps each little detail and each date Ene a-+-500-€ Of every prize fight in his A izzy pate! \.. we \Darees Pst | 6 ee eda is Donna $ nerf) $e Young, the Broadway star, © _£5-ERY PRIZE; IN H-<@S a! 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