Don't Bet on Blondes (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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as [Special x Women’s. Pagel es Blonde Hair Needs Special — Care, Says Claire D Dodd By ee he Benham Claire Dodd is, as $ you. aio. one of the loveliest onde of the ( screen. Tall, slim and exquisitely poised, hers is an arresting SetK saa ae of ane ean store of which her pe fair hair is one of the most gic cxiehiag camera 23 feet, 6 inches; can de—‘ Teatures. ae Sea scribe a complete yer and is” the cd while bie, — was originally a. itt poe he gods, ; firs f gl a ve th he fact that itis teday so bright and shining is greatly due to the care given it by the lovel young Warner Bros. star of “Don’ :: Bet “ on ere which a at the a deren ere Bless IT sssessene 7 st used ine nat IE That means a ine. te eteon more frequently | Baye _any aes shade of hair. eae | ‘should be given rs it hot Sy “oil treatment bef. re Claire Dodd, Warren William: and Vince Bar ett ‘who sia “laff” stars” appearing in. Warner Bros j rackets, “Don’t Bet on Blondes,” at thes... oe Ske are Guy K vibbee, William Gargan and H Mat ce 2012 od soap and wa ae are ¢ necessary remove the ioe f ym the The deinne & play Sere leas A int = p “opposite the dashing Warren William—would « come asa most any girl in the world. ue to Claire Dodd, beautiful Warner Bros. actress, it serves as ist ¥ ng a en cee mets she sida. t. liken qu out. _— I treat aN hair to five _ brisk brushing. Not only does this stimulate circulation, but it brushes out every particle of dirt anc d polishes each S hait | ner Bros. ee “Don't Bet on_ | Blondes,” which comes to the Theatre, on = gullas DE as a a a screen—and ____ So intense was Claire Dodd’ despised them eodeily. like for those vampish, hard boiled parts she played, she says, cn "en vs awarded the that Bee: bl ooe never able to eas ada iting es n letter instead “of asking for di In addition to Miss Dodd, the: for buttons. = vane a Sai a on Blondes think,” he shi = every home. It will be SES that ever hap with a pin in ee shape of mts diamond erOp; while accessories: e ‘include black ‘boots, pices = e went home rom 4 ‘the studio. skin gore and. a a black hat. mean that T Ne oe = —— ——____ n Blondes,” che War m ek comes to the — ama, feel just the opposite. ‘Tve pl plenty of es women, on on the a ase th again, Bi piest girl in the world starring currently in “Don't Bet on Blondes” . . was 1 "'Kretch"' in Aitkin, Minnesota ...h as on. Dares,