Edge of Darkness (Warner Bros.) (1943)

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4-DAY STORY-IN-PICTURES... [FIRST DAY] MOVIE-OF-THE-WEEK =: ‘ Warner Bros.’ E starring 7 « ge Of Darkness’ °__rurynn ‘Edge Of Darkness’ The production was directed by Lewis Milestone, the man who Sheree poonorn brought the _ greatest story of World War I to the screen, “‘All Quiet on the Western Front.” Milestone sincerely believes that in “Edge Of Darkness,” adapted from William Woods’ best-selling novel, he has the first truly great film story of the new World War. The Norwegian fishing village of Trollness is invaded and occupied by the Nazis. The townspeople “collaborate” in the face of guns but their spirits are free and they secretly plot revolt. Two men are quislings —Kaspar Torgersen (Charles Dingle) and his nephew,Johann Stensgard (John Beal). Dr. Martin Stensgard (Walter Huston) and his daughter Karen (Ann Sheridan) go to meet the renegade Johann returning from Oslo. Gunnar Brogge (Errol Flynn), Karen’s fiancee and the leader of Trollness’ Nazi oppos‘tion, gives Johann a surprise meeting. Johann has been summoned by his quisling uncle. On their way back from a secret meeting Karen and Gerd (Judith Anderson) are waylaid by Nazi Major Ruck (Henry Brandon). Ruck is really a British spy and he tells them that soon a British submarine off the coast will deliver arms for the townspeople. Now Go On With the Story>>—> {SECOND DAY] [PICK UP HEADING FROM Ist DAY] The Story Thus Far: Trollness, a Norwegian fishing village, smoulders with revolt under the Nazi heel. A Major Ruck arrives in the village and proves to be a British agent. Heinforms the underground that a submarine will soon land arms and ammunition. They are warned to suspect as quislings Johann Stensgard, son of the respected doctor, and Katja... 4 or Now Go On With the Story>>—> [THIRD DAY] se ceancerte. The Story Thus Far: Revolt brews in Trollness, a Norwegian fishing village. Informed that the British are sending them arms by submarine, they suddenly learn from Hammer, a refugee from nearby Stoksund, that the arms eache there had been betrayed to the Nazis. As a result the whole town and its people have been destroyed. Karen helps Hammer escape. . Now Go On With the Story>>> Katja (Nancy Coleman), a simple-minded Polish actress who was “drafted” by the Nazis, learns from Captain Koenig (Helmut Dantine), the Nazi Kommandant, that his master plan for domination of conquered countries has been rejected by the Fuehrer. In his rage, Koenig refuses to let Katja go to Berlin as he promised. She must stay... In desperation, Katja sneaks out of her room when the guard passes, and goes to Major Ruck. She tells Ruck she suspects him but she’ll keep her mouth shut if he’ll get her to Berlin. Ruck refuses and escapes from Trollness on the boat that brought back Johann Stensgard. [PICK UP HEADING FROM Ist DAY] Meanwhile, at Gunnar Brogge’s shack, Hammer (Tom Fadden) arrives badly wounded to confirm the fact that the British are supplying the coast with arms but that nearby Stoksund was betrayed and destroyed. Karen helps Hammer escape. Hysterical from fatigue and the harrowing experience of getting the refugee Hammer to safety and medical care, Karen screams for action against the Nazis in Trollness. Gunnar quiets her, tells her they will resist—in time. Gunnar reveals that British arms are on the way but in order to use them effectively they must have a plan of action. He determines where the arms are to be hidden. He assigns the men to special tasks, for when the moment comes each one... man and woman... must be ready. The Nazi terror continues. Koenig’s men drag Schoolmaster Andresen (Morris Carnovsky) into the square. They gather his books and be longings and set them afire. Sixtus Andresen cries aloud, and is removed by Pastor Aalesen (Richard Fraser), man of God and the people, from the burning pyre.