Escape Me Never (Warner Bros.) (1947)

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4A eet she tries to | change him! | samcececececececece |The Dien of Love... eleleTelelele; Ree CPL CCC ep eeed et oe Ss RTT IIE COREL ILE nn nererenee en Ne eee COTTE STE Le e * she takes him rr pa ERROL F NN IDALUPINO | ELEANOR pan Se Fant with GIG YOUNG directed by PETER GODFRE produced by HENRY BLANKE WP Screen Play by Thames Williamson Based on the Novel and Play by Margaret Kennedy Music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold with GIG YOUNG directed ty PETER GODFREY produced ty HENRY BLANKE Screen Play by Thames Williamson © Based on the Novel and Play by Margaret Kennedy * Music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold Mat 103 Mat 206 — 2 cols. x 11% inches 1 col. x 10% inches (316 lines) : (146 lines)