Espionage Agent (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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FOLLOWING ANN SHERIDAN, GERALDINE FITZGERALD AND JANE BRYAN. . . GUMES WARNER BROS.’ LATEST STAR DISCOVERY... BRENDA MARSHALL A NAME FOR BRENDA MARSHALL Get a name for Brenda Marshall, ‘“‘The Year’s Most Exciting Screen Discovery!” If Ann Sheridan is the “oomph girl,” what would you call Brenda Marshall? Quiz your patrons as they leave theatre to make suggestions. Tie in with your local paper to get reader suggestions. Use still blow-ups, ballot box and tally board in lobby. Mat 103—15¢ BRENDA MARSHALL PROFILE SKETCH Born on one of the Philippine Islands on September 29, 1915 . Studied in the Dramatic College of Madame Ouspenskaya . » Spent 1937 and ’38 in summer stock . Obtained lead role in the New York Federal Theatre production of “On The Rocks’’. . . Success brought a Warner Bros. contract and starring roles ... Is married to Richard Gaines, noted stage actor. BRENDA'S PHOTOS IN LADIES’ SHOPS Brenda Marshall is the most exciting discovery to come to the screen in this season. Sell her with dealer tie-ups and newspaper breaks. Plant these tie-up stills with your local merchants: evening dress — BM 14; fur cape — BM 26; su‘t — BM 35; swagger coat — BM 338. Order complete set for 30c; individually, 10c. Consult the publicity section for further fashion and beauty material to place with your newspaper editor. 3 @ Lipstick Stunt Conduct a contest to find the lipstick impression most like Brenda Marshall’s. Imprint napkins with lip outline, supposedly hers, and distribute in restaurants, drug store counters, etc. Award tickets to your showing to girl whose lip impression best fills outline. Or imprint napkins for local distribution with copy: “See USE BRENDA’S PROBLEM IN STREET QUIZ In this picture Brenda Marshall marries Joel McCrea without telling him about being a spy in her past life. Inquiring reporter or man Brenda Marshall, brilliant new screen discovery of in-the-street broadcast quizzes people on whether they think women should tell their husbands everything or are they entitled to der avd 1939 in ‘Espionage Agent’. withhold something. Award free tickets to the ten best replies. MORE EXCITEMENT TO SELL YOUR SHOWING ...PLEDGE CARDS... EDITORIAL... SCHOOL ACTIVITIES... LEGION AID Contests For School Kids Cooperate with the authorities in sponsoring these contests among the children: (1) Locate on home-drawn maps the various U. S. consulates and embassies throughout the world. Arrange a lobby display of the winning entries. (2) Essay contest on origins and services performed by the consulates and embassies. Man-On-Street Excites Interest Picture presents problem about what State Department can do to block espionage agents in this country. Use following question for man on the street or school essay contest: “What steps do you think the United States Government can take to combat foreign espionage work?” SELL THE TIMELINESS .... IT'S NEWS! We haven’t singled out any one idea as the so called ‘big stunt’ of the campaign, because we believe that the timeliness of the picture is the thing to sell. It’s in the ads, well used as a pattern for everything you do to exploit this show. AND THAT'S HOW THE VITAPHONE TRAILER SELLS IT! Use Educational Selling Angles Stress educational features of picture by tieing in with organizations sponsoring citizenship classes, adult education classes, etc. Or interest your local radio station in devoting a fifteenminute program to the steps necessary in becoming an American citizen, the protection our Foreign Service gives citizens, etc. Legion Posts Support Show Contact organized groups to boost your showing of the picture. Enlist the support of American Legion Posts, American Liberties Union, Rotary, Kiwanis, etc. Get their comments on America’s policy regarding counter espionage and neutrality. Ask use of their mailing lists.