Female (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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Kxploitation Ideas “Female” is a title that is sure to interest every man and woman in town. Its story is an unusual one and centers on the experiences. ‘of a woman who occupies.a high executive position in the business world. This has always been a point of: dis_ cussion in feminine circles and any idea to build word-of-mouth publicity is certain to be a big boost for you. Send special invitations to all local women currently in the public eye. Women prominent politically, socially or for their charity work should be Stage Exhibit of Interest ‘to Women During Showing Here’s an idea made to order for this show! It’is practical, requires no expense and a minimum of effort. Announce a specified performance as a “Female” matinee. On this day arrange with local department store to have a beauty expert give beauty demonstrations in your lobby. In addition, invite other local mercRants to exhibit newest developments in household appliances, such as toasters, small stoves, etc. A lamp-shade dealer will provide an attendant to offer instructions in the designing of shades; beauty parlors and other mer Use Invitation Opening to Build Word-of-Mouth Plugs included on the list. Any women who occupy an important position in local business firms should also be invited to attend. In addition be sure to circularize all women’s organizations and make arrangements for a theatre party. If you can sponsor a bus, inform the club that they will be called for at their club room and transported in a group directly to your theatre. Newspaper photographs and stories of the celebrities in attendance will compensate for all efforts in this direction. chants with particular appeal to female patronage should all be informed of your plan. Small booths in your inner and outer lobbies, mezzanine floor and ladies lounge will provide ample space for the exhibits. Lucky number prizes or similar souvenirs should be sponsored by the dealers. It may be advisable to hold exhibits throughout the run of “Female.” Be sure to get the merchants to advertise their exhibits and give your show plenty of mention in return for the tremendous benefit their product will derive from such an exhibit. “Single Standard” Topic Is Good for Newspaper Plant The “single standard” theory of relationship between men and women can be used as a topic for a good newspaper contest in exploiting “Female.” It’s a perennially debatable subject and should make good newspaper copy and tie up effectively with the picture. Propound this question to newspaper readers: “Are you in favor of a single standard for males and females?” Limit the letters to fifty words. The contest, of course, will draw answers pro and con. Award passes to “Female” to the writers of the best letters received on the idea of a society based on a single standard. Arrange for the newspaper to print the winning letters. This stunt can be included in your advance campaign. You might award passes daily or weekly to the writers of the best letters. This publicity angle costs only the passes and, because of the ever-live subject of debate, will create interest in “Female.” Title Is a Natural for Ladies’ Store Tie-ups Every merchant in town catering to female patronage should welcome this tie-up with this catchline: EVERYTHING FOR THE “FEMALE” or SPECIAL VALUES FOR THE -““FEMALE.” Every type of feminine apparel —negligees, stockings, shoes, millinery, dresses, coats, bags, cosmetics, etc.—can be included in one big ad. Your newspaper’s advertising de partment will go after the accounts. themselves. Supply stills to make the tie-up more effective. In return for your suggestion to get this extra advertising the paper should give you display space in the center or top of the page. For those merchants who would prefer to run individual ads, suggest that they break on the same day as your opening. Window displays should positively be negotiated whether or not the dealer takes ad space. Lines containing the title “FEMALE” can be adapted to individual products providing that your theatre name and play-dates are strongly carried in the copy. Interview Local Feminine Leaders for Paper Breaks The woman in big business, portrayea by Ruth Chatterton — in “Female,” offers you a_ splendid ‘opportunity to tie up this angle locally. There are undoubtedly a number of prominent women in your town whose success in business has been of considerable interest to everyone in your vicinity. Interest your local newspaper in running the careers of these women as feature stories. They make fascinating reading, and the papers will be glad to get a new idea for their feature pages. The clippings will be extremely effective as lobby blow-ups, with a caption such as, “Local ‘Female’ of Industry Rival Men in _ Business Success.” Plant a blow-up head of Ruth Chatterton on the same board. The question of woman in big business has long been an extremely ‘controversial problem, and consequently the interviews you plant in the paper will be highly interesting to the citizens of your town. Try to have the interviews based primarily on this same subject of the “Female in Business.” ‘Tie up the stories with your showing of “Female,” and this swell newspaper break will be a great aid to your exploitation campaign. Definition Contest For Schools and Newspaper A good way to get your picture talked about would be to sponsor a prize for the best definition of the word “Female.” Definitions should be twenty-five to fifty words in length and avoid all use of technical terms. A daily prize of guest tickets and a grand _ prize will keep interest going throughout the run of your show. In addition to running the contest in your newspaper, arrange with local high schools or college to have students participate by contacting the proper authority and general placarding. A special prize should be designated for the school. If you prefer, the subject can be broadened to include the definition of “The Ideal Female.” Novel Newspaper Strip Offers Big Plug AMO DERN FEE Eo Whee Her Man ets STAGED THIS . FAKE PICNIC § BECAUSE | j WANTED YOU | ALONE WITH ME EAT RGE AND RUNALONG....1 DON'T TAKE PICK-UPS HOME WITH ME YOUR JUST ONE OF THOSE BIG SILENT HE-MEN ! | PREFER TO DO MY OWN HUNTING Posed by Ruth Chatterton and George Brent in “Female” Now Playing Strand Theatre. Mat No. 35, Price 25¢ This strip is the type used by many papers throughout the country. A similar idea offered on “Footlight Parade” was popular everywhere and newspapers voiced their willingness to continue to use this material. Its publicity value is apparent. Plant with your local paper. Page Seventeen