Flamingo Road (Warner Bros.) (1949)

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JOAN CRAWFORD drama, "Flamingo Road", coming soon to the Strand Theatre. Still 362-JC 154 Mat 362-2C Joan Crawford says she will never do a stage play, stating honestly that she’s ‘too frightened’ ... David Brian once ushered at the Roxy Theatre in New York, and worked on a construction outfit on Glady’s Cooper’s house in Pacific Palisades . . . Michael Curtiz presented Joan Crawford with a handsome black ostriche fan after completion of “Flamingo Road” ... Jan Kayne, who plays a talkative maid in the drama, has one of those baby-voices reminiscent of Helen Kane . . . Joan Crawford went down to 118 pounds for her role of Lane Bellamy, the carnival trouper . . . Gladys George may repeat her performance in “Rain” in the strawhats this summer, . . Alice White retired over eight years ago when she married and left the when Gertrude Michael was selected for “Flamingo Road,” the studio was swamped with good luck letters for picking this former star . . . Virginia Huston hails from the Omaha Little Theatre . . . “Flamingo Road” is Michael Curtiz’ fourth production for the past year .. . the others being “The Unsuspected,” “Romance On The High Seas” and “My Dream Is Yours” ... Jerry Wald has produced all of Joan Crawford’s films since she became a Warner star . . . most important location trek was when Joan and David Brian worked an entire afternoon in the woman’s prison at Los Angeles County jail . . . Leslie Kimmel, who plays the part of a lawyer in the drama, really is an attorney, with offices in Laguna Beach, where he resides the year round . . . Edith Clemens of New York, president of the official Joan Crawford Friendship Club, visited the star during the early shooting of “Flamingo Road” ... Joan Crawford finally mastered: the art of knitting Argyle plaid socks in between scenes ... Zachary Scott’s Texas drawl came in handy for his role of a Southerner ... Eddie Prinz directed Joan Crawford’s numbers in “Dancing Lady” years ago and repeats on her solo number for “Flamingo Road”. . . this is Gladys George’s first film since she appeared in “The Best Years of Our Lives” ... Joan and Greenstreet are bitter enemies in the film. screen THE CAST Lane Bellamy. ...........0..000..000.0000.ooccoceeccceeceeesss.......... JOAN CRAWFORD Fielding Carlisle............... oR Ser cee te ee eo .... .&achary Scott Titus Semple ee Dan Reynolds... Lute-Mae Sanders... .. Sydney Greenstreet ........David Brian Hee Gladys George Honahetie W eldans255535..) 2G ek sss Virginia Huston DGOCAW Gerson a ee ee eS i ee Fred Clark Mialligzzncs. -2 Sines, Be ee Se eee Gertrude Michael CET ACT GL (RRO SS 8 Ne a sree eta Ss Cae ere ee Foe SACs A een eat ere Alice White Bogirighte ee ee ee ee ee Mikat ay oa eee Sam McDaniel Pete Ladas Tito Vuolo (General Advance) see re niin Ace Warner Bros. Team Produces ‘Flamingo Road’ with Joan Crawford With the same talented quartet that gave Joan Crawford her lar pictures that year. Now, according to advance word, the first Academy Award three years ago, Warner Bros. produced “Flamingo Road,” a dynamic romantic drama _ about small-state politics, which comes to the Strand Theatre for a week’s engagement starting Friday. same success is repeated with “Flamingo Road”. Taken from the play _ by Robert and Sally Wilder, “Flamingo Road” tells about a beautiful carnival dancer who stays behind in a small southern town, falls in love, and makes her rise Stars Joan Crawford and Zachary Scott, Producer Jerry Wald and Director Michael Curtiz are the four who made the now memorable “Mildred Pierce”, one of the most popu to prestige and riches through a story beset with murder, romance and political intrigue. Director Curtiz, one of Hollywood’s ace artists with the megaphone, describes his story FLAMINGO ROAD STAR STAYS BUSY Nearly 70, Sydney Green street looks with disdain at the thought of retirement. “Pure rubbish, the whole idea,” he snaps. “What would I find to do, except go mad from inactivity?” Greenstreet has been an actor 48 years, 41 of them in the theater before he gave in to Hollywood where at Warner Bros. he has become one of the foremost character stars in motion pictures, with “The Maltese Falcon,” “Casablanca,” “The Mask of Dimitrios,” “The Woman In White” and others to his credit. Currently, with the thought of retirement impatiently waved away, Greenstreet is portraying his meanest heavy yet opposite Joan Crawford in “Flamingo Road,” which Michael Curtiz directed, as Sheriff Titus Semple who ruins lives and happiness in his determination for political power. The film opens Friday. JOAN CRAWFORD Still 362-102 Mat 362-1A Joan Crawford's Honky Tonk Role Joan Crawford as a carnival dancer! That’s how the glamorous dramatic star is seen in the opening sequences of “Flamingo Road,” directed by Michael Curtiz for Warner which opens Friday at the Strand Theatre. Appearing in a line Bros. release, next of hip-slingers, Joan swings and sways in the garb of a harem queen. This is her first dancing chore since “Dancing DAVID BRIAN Lady” when bowed partner in a number. Fred Astaire into pictures as her Still 362-687 Mat 362-1C Filmed In Sequence At Joan Crawford’s request, “Flamingo Road,” her new Warner Bros. picture, was film JOAN CRAWFORD AND ZACHARY SCOTT in Warner Bros.’ "Flamingo Road", opening next Friday at the Strand Theatre. Still 362-667 Mat 362-2B ed entirely in strict sequence. As the woman who rises from poverty to exclusive Flamingo Road, Joan portrays one of her most exacting emotional roles. as one of “the best in recent years” with which to work, and with Miss Crawford in the lead role, Zachary Scott as a small politico, Sydney Greenstreet as a menacing power politician, the famed director had the tools to fashion a first-rate screen drama, The supporting cast is unusually strong with Gladys George, Alice White, Gertrude Michael, and newcomer David Brian, Hollywood’s newest dramatic find. He was formerly on the Broadway stage. ZACHARY SCOTT IN WARNER FILM Zachary Scott, who appears opposite Joan Crawford in Warner Bros.’ vivid drama, “Flamingo Road”, due soon at the Strand Theatre, scoffs at the theory that an actor should be the part 24 hours a day. “If I started bringing home all those heavies I play, my wife and daughter would pack up and leave,” he declares. “Think. of those dillies of arch-villians that I portray, in “The Mask of Dimitrios,” where I got rid of those around me just like that, with no conscience at all; in “Mildred Pierce,” where I was a no-good rake, or “Whiplash” and “South of St. Louis,” where I plotted and murdered—if I took those to heart, none of my friends or family would be safe and I’d be behind bars now.” Joan Crawford AsH oney Blonde Joan Crawford explains how she became a honey blonde! Her new shade of hair, worn in “Flamingo Road,” directed by Michael Curtiz for Warner Bros. release, opening tomorrow at the Strand Theatre, came about by accident. The night before the film was to start, Joan decided to turn her locks a shade lighter. The rinse, instead, became a bleach. When the actress saw _ her blonde hair, she wept. Nevertheless, she showed up on the set the following morning. For the entire first day’s work, she knew she could keep her head covered. At it turned out, Joan’s tears were in vain. Director Curtiz and producer Jerry Wald went into raves over her accidental coiffure, Star Comes Back Gertrude Michael, popular star of the “Sophie Lang” series of a few years back, returns to the screen in Joan Crawford’s vivid drama, “Flamingo Road,” directed by Michael Curtiz for Warner Bros. release. She plays Millie, a wise-cracking waitress.