Flight from Destiny (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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GERALDINE erring THOMAS FITZGERALD: MITCHELL LYNN STEPHENSON of All This, And Heaven Too! of «The Letter" MONA MARIS JONATHAN HALE g A WARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture + Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN. SCRLON MAY BY SagnY tHivERS fhom & STONY AY ANTHONY senKELEY + Mat 106 6 inches (82 lines )—15c Vitaphone Shorts Selections BROADWAY BREVITIES finds new laughs with old comedy in Mack Sennett’s “Love’s Intrigue.” 6203 — Broadway Brevity—20 mins. MELODY MASTERS’ latest top swing band is “Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra.”’ 6504—Melody Master—10 mins. HOLLYWOOD NOVELTIES stars the Radio Rogues in “History Repeats Itself” for bang-up entertainment. 6304 —Hollywood Novelty—10 mins. MERRIE MELODIES declares war in “The Fighting 6914” and armies of red ants fight black ants, with no one winning. 6710—Merrie Melodie—7 mins. LOONEY TUNES covers the world’s events with “Porky’s Snooze Reel,” hilarious satire on newsreels. 6606—Looney Tune—7 mins. No Program Is Complete Without A Warner Bros. Patriotic Short Subject Screen Play by Barry Trivers * From a Story by Anthony Berkeley WARNER BROS, A PICTURE AS GREAT AS ITS TITLE! starring ; GERALDINE FITZGERALD * THOS. MITCHELL-JEFFREY LYNN-JAMES STEPHENSON MONA MARIS + JONATHAN HALE Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN * A WARNER BROS.-First National Picture © Screen Play by Barry Trivers * From a Story by Anthony Berkeley Mat 210—11% inches x 2 columns (38 lines )—30c —TWO ADS ON ONE MAT Mat 111—15c REALLY DIFFERENT | MOTION FITZGERALD | THOS. MITCHELL | PICTURE EEayioayramnr ij JAMES STEPHENSON MONA MARIS * JONATHAN HALE Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN A WARNER BROS..-fFirst Nat’! Picture Sereen Play by Barry Trivers « From o Story by Anthony Berkeley starring GERALDINE FITZGERALD THOS. MITCHELL JEFFREY LYNN JAMES STEPHENSON MONA MARIS JONATHAN HALE Mat 110 234 inches (41 lines )—15c Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN A WARNER BROS.-First nat’! Picture Screen Play by Barry Trivers * From a Story by Anthony Berkeley TRAILER Official Billing WARNER BROS. 40% Pictures, Inc. Presents 5% “FLIGHT FROM DESTINY” 100% with GERALDINE FITZGERALD—THOMAS MITCHELL 60% JEFFREY LYNN—JAMES STEPHENSON 60% MONA MARIS — JONATHAN HALE 10% Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN 25% Screen Play by Barry Trivers 3% From a Story by Anthony Berkeley 2% A Warner Bros.-First National Picture ' 5%