Fly Away Baby (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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““FLY-AWAY BABY’”’ P wee i Tee * ae World Spanning Flights In ‘Fly-Away Baby’ Film Glenda Farrell Is Globe Looping Reporier In Miss Kilgallen’s Movie Drama It’s much cheaper to go around the world in fact than in the movies. When Dorothy Kilgallen, well known girl reporter, covered the globe in a race against time, a few months ago, it cost her newspaper much less than it cost Warner Bros. to send Glenda Farrell over the same route in makebelieve for ‘‘Fly-Away Baby,’’ the melodrama that opens next ote ae ee Miethes arse) heaAs In the real trip, Miss Kilgallen paid fare, but she did not have to pay the salary of the pilot nor the rental of the plane. When Glenda Farrell, with Gordon Oliver, Hugh O’Connell and Tom Kennedy set off on their film journey, the airport buildings and offices had to be built for the scenes. Their arrival at Alameda, Honolulu, Sharjah and all the other stops required big welcoming crowds. Even the other passengers in the ship were paid by the day. The newspaper offices in the film were expensively built reproductions of the real thing. The places of interest hurriedly Her Man Barton MacLane — not a hard guy for once — is the cop Glenda Farrell (Fly-Away Baby) is about to wed when she hops onto a plane and into a murder mystery in ‘“Fly-Away Baby,’’ the Warner Bros. picture which opens at the Ue Rags ste, Theatre 0%. ne Mat No. 103—10c visited by Miss Kilgallen at various stops proved to be costly settings for the: picture. These included a tropical cafe in Hawali with its group of dancing girls and a large cast of extras; Hongkong streets with Chinese erowds and jinrickshas; a hotel in Frankfort, and a section of the residential district in the German city. One of the most dramatic episodes of “Fly-Away Baby” is staged aboard a Zeppelin. A breath-taking chase along the girders of the ship’s cat-walk, 10,000 feet in the air, is a climax of the story. The building of this framework in exact duplicate of a real Zeppelin is another cost that a real globe-trotter would not be called upon to pay. The story of “Fly-Away Baby” is written by Dorothy Kilgallen and in the film tale, the itinerary follows closely her now famous dash which was recorded on the front pages a few months ago. Barton MacLane is also featured. Frank McDonald directed the picture from a screen play by Don Ryan and Kenneth Gamet. GLENDA IS REPORTER Glenda Farrell, blonde comedienne wisecracking of Warner Bros. films, comes to the .............. Theatre next) ¢...5...4..0: in “FlyAway Baby,” a melodrama in which she once more takes the part of Torchy Blane, live-wire girl reporter. The story deals with a race around the world, such as was held a few months ago and taken part in by a real reporter, Miss Dorothy Kilgallen. Barton MacLane is also featured in “Fly-Away Baby.” Gets Gat But Not Gal Glenda Farrell and Barton MacLane—as Torchy Blane the Fly-Away Baby and Lieutenant Steve McBride — plan a swift wedding but instead have tt delayed by their discovery of the gun which has caused a furore in the news world — in an exciting scene from the Warner Bros. flyingromance and murder mystery, ‘‘Fly-Away Baby,’’ which is now showing Geb then = Sener Theatre. Mat No. 203—20¢ BREAK FOR BARTON Barton MacLane, who is featured with Glenda Farrell in “FlyAway Baby,” a Warner Bros. melodrama now featured at the Soca eees Theatre, has had only three sympathetic parts in about thirty pictures. Generally he is cast as a brutal villain. He’s a good-natured cop in this picture. HINDENBURG IN FILM Several sections of the Zeppelin “Hindenburg,” which until recently made regular trips between New Jersey and Germany, were constructed in exact detail for the Warner Bros. melodrama “Fly-Away Baby,’ which opens MOM Ga ccs CP | ACV Saye Theatre. Glenda Farrell and Barton MacLane are co-starred in the picture. NOW “FLY-AWAY BABY” “Fly-Away Baby” is now the nickname of Miss Dorothy Kilgallen, the girl reporter who raced around the world by air a few months ago. She wrote a movie by that name for Warner Bros., based on her thrilling adventure. It comes to the .............. Theatre n@x6 1... ccc: , with Barton MacLane and Glenda Farrell in the leading roles. GLENDA AGAIN TORCHY There will be a series of. six comedy-dramas completed within the next year or so that have for their central character a girl newspaper reporter called Torchy Blane. Glenda Farrell plays the part. The second one, “Fly-Away Baby,” is now showing at the Ea, eer ae Theatre. The first was “Smart Blonde.” Glenda Farrell Whips Up Speed In Flying Film George M. Cohan once told a young actress that wise-cracking roles were the Waterloo of most comediennes. “To pull nifty come-backs without having the audiences think you are a roughneck at heart is a rare accomplishment,” he is reported to have said. “Few ean do it,” On this score, Glenda Farrell, Warner Bros. player, can take many bows for successful performances. She is, perhaps, Hollywood’s leading exponent of the smart retort. Her present assignment is in “Ply-Away Baby,” the second of a series featuring her as Torchy Blane, a demon news-chaser. It is now showing at the ................ Theatre. In this part, she repeats on the sereen the flying exploit of Dorothy Kilgallen, who recently shattered the round-the-world records of iNellie Bly for a group of American newspapers. The story of “Fly-Away Baby” was writ ‘ten by Miss Kilgallen. Glenda’s role in “Fly-Away Baby” is said to give her greater opportunities as a wise-cracker than any she has played for some time, on account of its sparkling dialogue and ludicrous situations. Barton MacLane, in the role of a police detective has the leading male part in which he exchanges his usual villainy for :‘raight comedy. Frank McDonald was the director. GLENDA FARRELL ADVISES LOVE In a recent questionnaire, handed to Glenda Farrell, blonde Warner Bros. comedienne, she was asked to give her advice to the average young girl in regard to the attainment of a good figure, grace and poise. Glenda’s answer was straight to the point. It follows: “Fall in love often and hard— it keeps you on your toes!” Doubtless her advice will be followed by many average young women the world over. Glenda is now featured with Barton MacLane in “Fly-Away Baby,” the Warner Bros picture which will COMO 7U0= TG 2... ese. Theatre NOX ee BIOGRAPHIES Glenda Farrell This daughter of Enid, Oklahoma, has been a trouper nearly all her life. Began as Little Eva in a touring company of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ when only 7. She’s blonde, gray-eyed, 5 feet 4, and usually weighs 114 — without dieting. Played in various stock companies, among them the Brissac at San Diego, the Morosco in Los Angeles and the Alcazar in San Francisco. Was starred on Broadway in ‘‘Divided Honors.” Played with Alice Brady in “Love, Honor and Betray’ and was grabbed by Warner Bros. when they bought the film rights to ‘Life Begins,” which was a failure on the stage but a great success as a picture. Has played in scores of Warner comedies, generally with Joan Blondell, whose pal she is. In the present picture ‘‘FlyAway Baby,” she is featured with Barton MacLane. Opens next ................ at Gees eis2.. ata Theatre. Barton MacLane This agreeable giant — he’s 6 feet 1 and weighs 199 pounds — is one of the most powerful men in movies. He can play with 100-pound dumb-bells and can twist the average horseshoe out of shape. He was born in Columbia, S. C., but the family moved to Middletown, Conn., when he was a child. He attended high school there and later entered Wesleyan University in the same city. Played halfback on the gridiron team, and captained the varsity basketball outfit. Played in school dramas, then Joined small local stock company. Got Page Two —————_—_—_——— | THE CAST | | | TOT Chie Blue... 2, ae Glenda Farrell Steve McBride.............. Barton MacLane Lucien (Sonny) Croy..... Gordon Oliver Hughie Sprague............ Hugh O’Connell ELAS CYTE...) necro te Marcia Ralston Gahaganess 23 ak ce Tom Kennedy Guy Allister, 2.occcaccave hes Joseph King MTR: ei see eat sees te Raymond Hatton SRSA 5. ee se asin cae TRE, Gordon Hart RORCUS «seas tee. fabs. ecg Anderson Lawler Colonel Higgamn............ Harry Davenport Olifford Vanee ................. Emmett Vogan Deske: Sergeant... cists. cetecccs George Guhl DURCCLOR Ga a aT Frank McDonald Screen: Play bys. xcc:khac Don Ryan and Kenneth Gamet DLA ETT GR 79 pa I Dorothy Kilgallen Photography by....Warren Lynch, A.S.C. BG Otten ee eee Doug Gould Art= Directo. 8 3... Esdras Hartley Dialogue Director.......... Harry Seymour rr ay a big break in “The Trial of Mary Dugan,” on Broadway. Was taken to Hollywood by Warner Bros. to play in “Black Fury,’ supporting Paul Muni. Usually plays villains. In the present picture — in which he is featured with Glenda Farrell he’s a hero for a change. “Fly-Away Baby’ comes to the ............ Theatre. Next 72.5. .cccccccc THE STORY A rich jeweler is found murdered in his office. Gahagan (Tom Kennedy) the dumbest of dumb cops, stands guard at the front door and only the cleverness of Torchy Blane (Glenda Farrell) gets her into the building to get the news for her paper. Lieutenant Steve McBride (Barton MacLane) is at the scene in charge of the case, although he had an engagement to meet Torchy at the City Hall and marry her, but the murder interfered. Torchy discovers the pistol with which the murder was committed. Lucien (Sonny) Croy (Gordon Oliver), son of a rich publisher, is admitted to the office because his family and the dead man had been friends for years. Allister (Joseph King), the dead man’s business partner, is also. very friendly with Croy. When McBride and Torchy stop at the Globe Restaurant for a bite, they pick up a menu on which somebody has been jotting figures. They see the sum of $250,000 and some subtractions. This strikes Torchy as a coincidence, since that is the exact value of the jewels missing from the office across the alley. On the menu is a big trade-mark of a globe with lines drawn on it from city to city. Torchy questions the waiter who says that Croy and Allister had lunch at that table. McBride accuses Croy of planning a get-away by air. Croy laughs and shows him the headline of his father’s paper which tells of a round-the-world flight that Oroy is going to make as a publicity stunt. Torchy is still suspicious of Croy. _ Suddenly Gahagan quits his job and is seen with a richly dressed woman who calls him “Orville.” Sprague (Hugh O’Connell), the feature writer of a rival paper, announces that he is going to race Croy round-theworld. He is married to a very rich woman and at a farewell drinking bout does not hide the fact that he is glad to get away from his rich spouse. Torchy is convinced that Croy has stolen the jewels after committing a murder, and that Croy is using his round-the-world trip as a blind, hoping to dispose of the jewels at some foreign port. Torchy persuades her paper to enter the world air race. She, Croy and Sprague leave on the same plane and are surprised to find that Gahagan is also a passenger. Later it develops that Gahagan is spying on Sprague to get evidence for a divorce. Croy tries to get away in -another plane after disabling the one which Torchy and Sprague are to use. His plan fails when the weather sends his ship back to the starting point. Torchy finds a message from a “fence,” in Frankfort, to Croy. She cables the information to McBride in New York. At Frankfort, the fence is found murdered. Finally through an exciting and clever series of deductions, Torchy and _McBride solve the mystery. Back in New York, Torchy is hailed as a heroine and she sets out to keep the date at City Hall with McBride. She never reaches the License Bureau, since her Editor has a new assignment for her and she heads for Chicago and more adventure. OFFICIAL BILLING WARNER BROS. 25% presents FLY-AWAY BABY 100% (The Aventures of Torchy Blane) 20% with GLENDA FARRELL 75% BARTON MacLANE 75% and Gordon Oliver — Hugh O’Connell 80% Marcia Ralston — Tom Kennedy 30% Joseph King — Raymond Hatton 10% Gordon Hart 10% * * * Anderson Lawler — Harry Davenport 10% Emmet Vogan — George Guhl 10% ; * ie * Directed by FRANK MacDONALD 20% * * * A Warner Bros. Picture 40%