Fog Over Frisco (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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STRAIGHT AND HOT FROM Page Siz ‘SOUTH OF THE SLOT Don’t Miss Her... She puts ‘‘ Frisco Jenny’’ in the Pollyanna class! nn comes Frisco Arlene— thrill-mad debutante headed for hell with half of Frisco at her heels! One thundering climax topping another in this seething sizzling story of the Barbary Coast—where society’s spoiled babies hunt adventure and find damnation! FOG OVER FRISCO 459 Lines A First National Sensation with BETTE DAVIS DONALD WOODS MARGARET LINDSAY Ly tLe TALBOT HUGH HERBERT Lana A Tt RE Mat No. 11—30c CATCHLINES Straight and Hot From “South of the Slot”— *k * * One Thundering Climax Topping Another in This Seething, Sizzling Story of the Barbary Coast! * * f Don’t Miss “Frisco Arlene’—She Puts “Frisco Jenny” in the Pollyanna Class! *k * * The Slashing, Seething, Sizzling Daddy of All Thrill Dramas! * *% * See a Thrill-Mad Debutante Headed for Hades With Half of Frisco at Her Heels! 2 eee Nothing Like It Since the Earthquake! * * * Old ’Frisco Whoops It Up for the Greatest Thrill Chase Ever Photographed! * * % Meet the Queen Cobra of the Golden Gate! * * * Female Earthquake Rocks ’Frisco! * * * A Square Mile of Hell the Devil Himself Wouldn’t Be Seen In! * * * See Thugs and Coppers Battling to the Death on Frisco Bay— * * * See Thrill-Mad Debs Hunting Damnation South of the Slot! * * % The Most Amazing Drama that Ever Crashed the Golden Gate! * * * First National’s Rip-Roaring Drama of the Hongkong of the West! * * * See the Barbary Coast Tear the Lid Off when Fog Manacles the Forces of the Law! * f *% See ’Frisco’s Ace Reporter Gambling His Girl to Grab the Story Beat of the Century!