Four Daughters (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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10 STARS *Priscilla Lane Rosemary Lane Lola Lane *John Garfield “Jeffrey Lynn Gale Page Claude Rains Dick Foran Frank McHugh May Robson Ideas. Sell John Garfield as a new dynamic personality, who, according to Film Daily, "within a month from the day ‘Four Daughters’ hits the country's screens will be one of Hollywood's most talked about personalities". Sell Jeffrey Lynn as the screen's newest male star, who, according to the N. Y. Sun is "destined to become one of the screen's outstanding romantic heroes". Sell Priscilla Lane as Hollywood's ‘dramatic discovery’, who, according to the N. Y. Daily News, “gives so fine a performance that stardom is indicated for her”. Display large showing of photo blowups in lobby of Lynn, Garfield and Lane with above lines. & Distribute photos to schools, stores, beauty parlors, dance halls, soda fountains. Imprint theatre ad on reverse side. (See Accessories pages for prices). a “Resemblance" contest conducted in paper to find localites who are look alikes of Lynn, Garfield and Lane. Voting poll in lobby — teaming female stars in this picture with Lynn — for the most romantic team; and with Garfield for the best dramatic acting team. ® Send "invitation" type announcements to sororities and women club members to meet the screen's new personalities. *THREE NEW STARS Ranking Among Filmdom’s Greatest JOHN GARFIELD Born in New York City. Educated at Public School 45, the Angelo Patri School for Boys and Theodore Roosevelt High School. Played quarterback football, took part in every school play he could get into. Went on the Broadway stage at 15, “Lost Boy”. Subsequently appeared in “Johnny Johnson”, “Waiting for Lefty”, “Counsellor At Law”, “Awake and Sing”, “Weep for the Virgins”, “Peace On Earth”, “Golden Boy” and “Having Wondertul Time”. Mat 101—15c PRISCILLA LANE Native of Indianola, Iowa. One of five sisters, daughters of town dentist. “Pat” started career with Rosemary singing at premiere of one of sister Lola’s pictures. Went to New York and dramatic school. Fred Waring heard her sing in music publisher’s office; signed for career with the Pennsylvanians; made big hit at New York Roxy. Went to Hollywood with Pennsylvanians to do “Varsity Show”; Signed by Warners and did two pictures with Wayne. Morris; “Love, Honor, and Behave”, and “Men Are Such Fools”; “Cowboy from Brooklyn” followed. Mat 114—15¢ JEFFREY LYNN Home Town: — Auburn, Mass. Graduated from Bates College, Lewiston, Maine. Instructor in English and dramatics at Lisbon High School, Lisbon, Maine. Several years at stock company work in New England; Barter Theatre in Abingdon, Va. Also with Walter Hampden in “Cyrano de Bergerac’”. Toured with “Brother Rat’’ company. Previous pictures: — “When Were You Born?”, “Cowboy From Brooklyn” and in Technicolor short “Out Where The Stars Begin”. [10] Mat 102—15¢