Four Mothers (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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Now Ready for Dealer Tie-ups Ever since "Four Daughters" hit the screen everybody wanted the title of the theme song. At last lyrics have been set to the music and it has what it takes to get the bands playing. A new tune — but one that's well established — for music dealer tie-ups. You can make this a real feature of your exploitation campaign. ~— Stunts to Set to Music This is one for the music department of your local newspaper. Recently, PM, New York’s newest newspaper, of fered prizes for the best description of a Beethoven symphony. Idea fits this picture, since one of the film’s high spots concerns the playing of Beethoven’s Egmont Overture, in a special arrangement by Max Steiner. Music lovers are asked to write a brief description of the symphony played in ‘Four Mothers.’? Those sending in the best compositions receive guest tickets to your theatre. How about a contest for a mixed quartet — or separate male or female foursomes? They sing ‘Moonlight and Tears” from your stage or over the radio. Best harmony wins prizes promoted from local merchants. * EODIE alpear. © RICK Foray : : : MRO Begs op Rotioae! Picy, £3 a CPRER FREE title sheets available in limited quantities while the supply lasts. Contact Norris Konheim, Witmark Publishing Co., 1250 Sixth Ave., N. Y. C. For music lovers, the excellent music in this film should serve as a contest among local school orchestras. Have them play Beethoven’s Egmont Overture and ‘tMoonlight and Tears’? with prize-winning group attending show as your guests. Contact local radio station for broadcast. Make use of the five stills showing the stars playing various musical instruments. Set of five stills sells for 40c. Order ‘Four Mothers Music Stills’? from Warner Bros. Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, N. Y. C. Big Plans from RCA on New Recordings As we go to press, word comes that RCA Victor is working on a national dealer promotion of recordings by leading bands and orchestras of the music featured in the picture. The same big backing they gave ‘Rockne’ and ‘Santa Fe Trail’. Supplementary announcement soon—contact local dealers or Miss Jane Grube, RCA Mfg. Co., Camden, N. J. More Sweet Music from RCA— See page §