Four Wives (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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The same 10 stars playing the same lovable characters in an entirely mew story.... produced by Warner Bros! JEFFREY LYNN Young and handsome—he said “IT do” to Ann. Who wouldn’t? EDDIE ALBERT as Dr. Clinton Forrest, Jr. ‘Brother Rat” gets himself cleyerly trapped by wedding bells. MAY ROBSON as Aunt Etta The more she scolds you, the more you know she loves you. FRANK McHUGH as Ben Crowley His heart and money belong to Thea, and he has plenty of both. DICK FORAN as Ernest Talbot Emma’s florist-husband with an occupational disease — hay fever! @ Cast and Production Staff are reprinted on page 9 for news paper use. @ Mats are available of the half-column photos on this page. See publicity pages for mat numbers. CLAUDE RAINS Professes to dislike having daughters, but he loves ’em all! PRISCILLA LANE as Ann Lemp She didn’t love Mickey Borden, but she isn’t able to forget him. ROSEMARY LANE as Kay Lemp She believes in making the love stores she reads come true LOLA LANE as Thea Lemp Crowley She marries for love, but Ben is aiso the town’s leading banker. GALE PAGE as Emma Lemp Talbot She is everything a wife is sup posed to be .. . but seldom is. as Adam Lemp as Felix Dietz WARNERS TEL], ie