Frozen River (Warner Bros.) (1929)

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VITAPHONE PRESS BOOK — nail ~ | it \ AW A GARD, FAMOUS CARICATURIST, DRAWS RIN-TIN-TIN Star No. 1—Cut or Mat. “FROZEN RIVER” THE CAST tases 5 51 et WR ey 8! _......... Davey Lee Raymond McKee | Popaies = eee ee Nina Quartero | SS Reese lipides 2 9 Mean Josef Swickard 2) a re seen ea 8 eae _ Frank Campeau Pieere: ee ee ee ees ie she ; _......... John J. Fowler sg i ee a Anthony Coldeway _... Nelson Larraby im . ' Author Scenarist Cameraman 22 Director HARMON WEIGHT “IS YOU LAUGHING AT MY HORSIE, LOBO?” Production No. 1—Cut or Mat RIN-TIN-TIN in “FROZEN RIVER” — Warner Bros. Latest Vitaphone Talking Picture Warner Bros. Present RinTinTin On The Vitaphone, With An All Star Cast, In Thrilling “F rozen River’ SYNOPSIS Though Lobo, a husky ‘pup, is suckled by a wolf far in the North ern wilderness, he refuses to follow | the wolf pack—strikes out alone and follows his fancy Southward until he for the first time sees human beings. His contact with “civilization” is unfortunate, for Pierre, a woodsman, entices him into a trap and then torments him. Lobo finally escapes only to become a killer, preying on flocks and herds and even on men. Nearby lives pretty Miss Jane, with her little brother Billy, and her grandfather, known as “Hazy,” because he is a bit mad. The loafers at the trading-station store have been teasing the old man about the gold cache which he claims to have at Frozen River, when Potter enters. Hazy recognizes him as the man who had tried to kill him, because he would not reveal the location of the gold wildly the trapper, who is about to attack him when Jerry, a young engineer, enters, and sees the old man safely home. Jerry, one day soon after, while walking in the forest, is horrified to see tiny Billy playing with Lobo, for whose head a reward is offered. The young man is about to shoot when he sees that the “wolf” is only a dog. He tries to make up with him ——but Lobo shrinks away among the trees. Potter is plotting with Pierre to gain the confidence of the old man and accuses and to learn from him the way to | the supposed gold deposit. The two men are at Hazy’s home when Jerry, who has won the confidence of Lobo, enters with the dog. When Lobo sees Pierre he attacks him. Hazy entrusts the secret of the hiding place of the gold to Jane and arranges that she go with Pierre as guide to Frozen River. After they have gone, Potter entices Billy away. Lobo leads Jerry to Hazy’s hut, and then after Jane and _ Pierre. Jane has found that Pierre and Potter have made a pact which gives her to the.former and the gold to Potter—who now proceeds. to extort the location of the treasure from her, by torturing Billy. Jerry and Lobo arrive, and after again attacking Pierre, Lobo, after ia terrific fight, drives him into the | wilderness. Jerry and Potter fight to the of a eliff. cot Lobo arrives just in time to topple edge ‘| Potter over it. Turning, they see thatthe dog team is running away towards the cliff with Billy. <All follow and Lobo pulls Billy from the sled just | as it goes over the precipice. RIN-TIN-TIN STARS IN VITAPHONE FILM Rin-Tin-Tin the only canine. star in the world to be seen and heard in talking pictures, makes his second Vitaphone appearance in Warner Brothers’ production, “Frozen River,” coming to the Theatre on he enacts ait which husky dog a northern jreared by a wolf in the wilderness. Rinty previously appeared on Vitaphone in “The Million Dollar ColTan? = The supporting cast is headed by the tiny star, Davey Lee, and includes Raymond McKee, Nina Quartero, Frank Campeau, Josef Swickard and Lew Harvey. The frozen North provides the colorful locale for this Vitaphone production directed by, Harmon Weight from Anthony Coldeway’s adaptation of \John-J. Fowler’s story. SI ae Sse Sania Seas ‘TOUCH HIM IF YOU DARE’ Production No. 2—Cut or Mat BRIEFS | Rinty in the Snow Some of the most picturesque snow and ice scenes are pictured in WarBros.’ Vitaphone production, “Frozen River,’ coming on to the Theatre, in which Rin-Tin-Tin is seen and heard in the stellar: part. Davey Lee, Raymond MeKee, Nina Quartero, Frank Campeau are depicted against this colorful background as members of the cast in this exciting Har ner and others story of the Northern woods. mon Weight directed. Rinty and Davey | Davey Lee, who made his screen idebut on Vitaphone in “The Singjing Fool,” starring Al Jolson, and ‘in “Sonny Boy,” starring himself, lis the younger brother of Frankie Lee who scored prominently several years ago as the child in “The Miracle Man.” Davey appears in his third Vitaphone talking picture role in “Frozen River,” now at the ........ Theatre, in which Rin-Tin-Tin enacts the stellar part. Rinty’s Latest Barkie “Frozen River,’ Warner “Bros.’ latest Vitaphone production in which | Rin-Tin-Tin is seen and heard in the starring role with tiny Davey Lee in support, presents a tensely dramatic and colorful story of man’s quest for gold in the icy North in which a dog plays an important part in the destiny of those who have befriended him. “Frozen River’. will be the ‘attraction at ‘the | Theatre beginning on %|year-old star, Davey Lee. Swickard is prominently cast as a -|mad prospector for gold. Raymond ? “| |RINTY IN TALKING “FROZEN RIVER” WITH | YOUNG DAVEY LEF Reward! One hundred dollars for a wild dog known as the Killer— dead or alive! Rin-Tin-Tin, star of Warner Bros.’ latest Vitaphone talking picture, “Frozen River,” coming to the Theatre on enacts a killer with a price on his head in this story of the Northern snow country. Although he has known no ¢companions but wolves since he was a puppy, Rin-Tin-Tin leaves the vicious pack to follow his canine instinct and search for mankind. His first contact with man turns him against all human beings and he becomes an outlaw. Finally, :| however, he is attracted to more = | kindly people who befriend him, and he ardently returns their friendship. Chief among his new-found friends is little Billy, played by the fourJoseph McKee, Nina Quartero, Frank Cam jpeau and Lew Harvey are also seen 'and heard on Vitaphone in “Frozen thony Coldewey from a story by John J. Fowler. directed. lie which was adapted by An Harmon Weight RINTY COMING AS WOLF DOG HERO IN TALKING FILM A proud and fearless wolf-reared “husky” dog of the far North is portrayed by Rin-Tin-Tin in “Frozen River,” his latest Vitaphone starring production for Warner Bros., which comes to the ENOAUEe sO oo. ss he hes se es The dog leaves the wolf pack and seeks mankind. His first contact. is a bitter disillusionment and he develops into a killer, with a reward upon his head. He finds the love and companionship he has sought in a little boy— played adorably by wee Davey Lee —to whom he is just a nice doggie. A kind-hearted young engineer com|pletes the conquest, but even he |saves the dog with difficulty. The | chance to prove his worth and faithfulness soon comes and Rinty leads ‘his new master up into the snow ‘country to girl, the same Save a little boy—and a secret horde of gold. Raymond McKee, Nina Quarte Frank Campeau, Josef Swickard, Lew Harvey and others are seen and heard in leading supporting roles under the direction of Harmon Weight. John J. Fowler wrote the story and Coldeway adapted it. Anthony Rinty’s Eighteenth Film Rin-Tin-Tin, star of Warner Bros.’ Vitaphone production, “Frozen dase oat Ngee ce) et ee ie See Theatre, has portrayed the stellar /role in almost two score screen sto|ries. His first Vitaphone appearance was in “The Million Dollar Collar” |while “Frozen Riiver” is his second. | Davey Lee, the four-year-old star, is in the all-star cast. :