Gentlemen Are Born (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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}| WANTED [XX V00,000 COLLEGE GRADUATES|=y | TO POUND THE PAVEMENTS OF NEW YORK! At last—the screen tells the TRUE story of America’s so-called “Flaming Youth”... just out of college and just out of luck . .. showing thé world they can “take it” as well as hand it out—in First National's FRANCHOT TONE JEAN MUIR MARGARET LINDSAY ‘ANN DVORA K ROSS ALEXANDER NICK FORAN THEATRE 194 Lines Mat No. '?/——20c¢ Catehlines 6 College Graduate stars say “College Men Shouldn’t 199 Marry! * * * Today’s youth at the cross-roads of life—fighting for the right to love! xx x x Girls! Should you stay away from college men when you’re picking a husband? * ** x Can a “Bachelor of Arts” make the grade as a “Bachelor of Hearts’’? * * * See the college degree put to the third degree in this drama of youth fighting to overcome the ‘handicap’ of too much education! * 6 * Wanted—50,000 college graduates to pound the pavements of New York! * * * ‘At last—the screen tells the true story of America’s so-called “Flaming Youth’! * * * Is a college diploma worth the sheepskin it’s written on? | ok * * 6 of Hollywood’s Brightest young stars in the season’s smartest comedy-drama! ** ** ** Just out of college and just out of luck! Page Ten See 6 CollegeGraduate . S$ Stennis < Saaseses ane BOR FRANCHOT TONE JEAN MUIR MARGARET LINDSAY ANN DVORAK ROSS ALEXANDER NICK FORAN THEATRE 87 Lines Mat No. 20—10c 100 Lines Mat No. 21—10c “The Trailer Will Sell the Show For You -= As It Did For Us!”’ —J. J. Medford, Orpheum Theatre, Oxford, N. C. Here’s how it goes for “Gentlemen Are Born’: You've seen these boys On the Campus — On the athletic field In Classrooms But what happens when College Days Are over? — And a whole generation faces Life For the first time? That's the story of "Gentlemen Are Born" The intimate problems of every modern boy and girl Made real by the screen's finest cast Of young stars! Franchot Tone Jean Muir Margaret Lindsay Ann Dvorak Ross Alexander Nick Foran "Gentlemen Are Born" a First National & Vitaphone Hit "Gentlemen Are Born" The Romance and Sincerity of "Bad Girl" The Pathos of "Life Begins" The Power of "I Am a Fugitive" Combined ! In Warner Bros." smashing picturization of the struggle of today's youth "Gentlemen Are Born"