Girl Missing (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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Kidnap (GANG Ridin GAG? \\ STRAND Friday ed MISSING Is the kidnap epidemic on the level —or are restless girls using a dimenovel alibi for a night’s whoopee? Find out in this Warner Bros. hit with— GLENDA FARRELL BEN LYON MARY BRIAN STRAND Cut No. 30 Cut 40c Mat 10 Cut No. 15 Cut 20c Mat 5c ut INO. ut 4Uc at 1Uc — 122 LINES 61 Likes Cut No. 26 Cut 20c 76 LINES Mat 10c “Chey SS ee ~ SS See what happened to this lovely girl on the most thrilling wedding T R A 4 L = R night any woman ever lived through! Your advertising campaign on this pic: ture is not complete unless you use the official “Girl Missing” Vitaphone trailer. It is packed with intriguing dramatic scenes and interest arousing copy, that thoroughly sell the picture. Length: 163 Feet. With another great Warner Bros. star cast— Glenda Farrell » Ben Lyon e Mary Brian Guy Kibbee «¢ Lyle Talbot e Harold Huber and THE VANISHED BRIDE Cut No. 23 Cut 40c Mat 10c 188 LINES Page Ten