Go Into Your Dance (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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AND AFTER YOUR OPENING Take a look at the way the coast’s Tough Trio went into their dance for this one and get a preview of what to expect from your own critics! They’re raves all the way...the kind that you can count on for a BIG SHOT from WARNER BROS. THE SWELL MUSICAL SPECTACLE. DOMI-. NATED BY JOLSON AND KEELER RANKS HIGH AMONG THIS TYPE OF PRODUCpale). B Lavish backstage musical which should be tops wherever they go for musical spectacles. It is a Jolson-Keeler »picture all the way and they give plenty. Jolson’s singing is his big stuff and he shines, with Ruby’s dancing a standout, especially in the ‘Latin from Manhattan” number. :Patsy Kelly must be mentioned for her comedy moments which really are too few: The — ensemble numbers are made to mean something, because the dancers dance instead of moving about on mechanical pieces. Bobby Connolly deserves much credit for these numbers. Warren and Dubin’s music. fits in nicely, especially ‘Latin from Manhattan’, “About a Quarter to Nine’: and “Mammy, I'll SingAbout You”. Helen Morgan is in for a torch song. Archie Mayo’s direction is Masini with never a _ letdown. Haj:;: combination for the fans and Warners: is Al Jolson and Ruby Keeler.. Pair get all there is out cf ‘Go Into Your Dance,’ an interestins, well-written. story of modern show business. Picture has selling and draw angles:to warrant good returns. Jolson is on all the time, works hard to sell himself, which he does to good advantage. Picture should bring back alot .of his former fans. Miss Keeler is excellent as the girl who loves silently. -Helen Morgan does a nice job as a femme heavy, sings one number, ‘The Things You Used To Do.’ Gitenda Farrell gives her usual positive performance as. Jolson’s | sister. MacLane, the heavy, is a good bit of.casting. Patsy Kelly, with little to do, scorés on her few scenes with some swell dialog. Benny Rubin. Gordon Westcott, William 1 DE Bia Ce Co) eM Koy-1-) 0) ai @ts Riad ole) oom hele! Phil Regan are all good in smaller parts. Archie Mayo's direction is exceptionally good, gets everything out: of the story and situations. Bobby Connolly has conceived some swell dance routines with ‘A Latin From Manhattan’ the best. . Idea is unusual and refreshing. Photogragphy of Tony Gaudio is swell. Preview . eS By Jimmy Starr Rating: Excellent We i If I were writing the advertisements for “Go Into Your Dance’! would first measure the film, and then claim in large, bold face | letters “that every inch of the cel| luloid is packed with entertainment!” And that’s just what it is. Many years ago—when Jolson. made New York’s Winter Garden famous — the mammy singer was acclaimed as “the world’s greatest | entertainer.” He’s still that—and then some. To use his words, “You ain’t heard nothin’ yet!” ma @coyms Selo Gollum DY: biker oan (Mm Ke) yamong the many musical films. Everything about it—acting, direction, music, lyrics, photography, dance ensembles, comedy » —is absolutely grand! Aside from all this ‘tuneful ! glamour the story is both excit-. ing and highly amusing. The plot has to do with a star (Jolson) who .__wualks. outof .a show. once too _ often and is barred from Broad“way. His struggle to come back weaves in a pretty little hoofer (Ruby), several gangsters, a misunderstood romance, a near. tragedy and a few hilarious situa-. tions, all building up to a smash climax. Of course, Ruby is marvelous as the hoofer, and she has plenty of opportunity to display her light fantastic wares. As for Al— well, haven't I already given him a flock of adjectives? Patsy Kelly is particularly bright with a brief comedy role. Helen Morgan does nicely with a difficult part and one vocal offering. Glenda Farrell is her usual swell self, while Sharon Lynne, Barton MacLane, Phil Regan, Ofey xe CoysMuAerineolam-bilemelaelcncmeeyiie plete the cast. ‘A nice long bow to Jack Warner, Hal Wallis, Bill Koenig and Sam Bischoff for “Go Into | Your Dance”—and that Spells’ long lines at any boxoffice window! LOS ANGELES HERALD-EXPRESS ANOTHER OF ‘THE BIG SHOTS’ WILL BE 'G MEN’ WITH CAGNEY AND DVORAK PRINTED IN U.S. A.