God Is My Co-Pilot (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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Use These Magazine Breaks For Special Lobby Displays Here are three more examples of how Warners have pre-sold “God Is My Co-Pilot.” Illustrated (top, left) is the attractive 4-page layout which appeared in LOOK MAGAZINE; (bottom, left) the book condensation as it appeared in LIBERTY MAGAZINE; and (bottom, right) a two-page spread in SKYWAYS MAGAZINE, one of the top aviation publications. ewe cai All three layouts are made available to you, individually, as 8 x 10 stills, for blowup for lobby or, in the case of SKYWAYS, for special tie-in displays with Still 632-570 local aviation schools, war plants, etc. ORDER “God Is My Co-Pilot” Stills No. 632-570, 632-571, 632 572 — 10c¢ each — set of 3, 30c — from Warner Bros.’ Still Editor, 321 'W. 44th St., New York 18, New York. Still 632-571 Still 632-572 A NOVELTY PLANE CALLING ALL CO-PILOTS! TO THRILL THE KIDS — Here's an attractive novelty to be used Take to the air with an airplane ~ YOU can fly!!! as a giveaway for the younger members of your audience. If the instructions are | followed, the plane will actually fly. and learn real Shown in reduced size, the actual size combat flying from | of the plane is: from nose to tail, 6 1/2”; DENNIS MORGAN : in : Cut out the airplane, following the out" destill ae " surement iS 9” 8 12: Note space for your line. Fold on the dotted line. Clip this fold GOD iS MY CO-P]I LOT z together at the front with a paper clip. ; Bend down the wings and the tail surfaces h 1 i on the dotted lines. See that the angle of t eatre imprint. the wings and the tail surfaces is the same. Grasp the plane between thumb and forefinger just behind the clip. Launch the plane by sailing it into the air with a gliding motion. wingspread, 8 5/8”; overall novelty mea PRICES (including your imprint) in lots of 5M—$6.00 per 1M for single 1M—$6.50 per 1M ORDER direct from: Economy Novelty & Printing Co. 225 West 39th Street New York, New York | THEATRE IMPRINT HERE |