God Is My Co-Pilot (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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6-DAY SERIALIZATION, FREE! Start your newspaper campaign right—with this thrilling seriali pyet Chine: : fed, The fim sors DRre : ree Florey for rot gore © : ee : € M wos warren By Peter awe hin CHAPTER } in my Hi weatest month es a yAY began the ere snth, somerhnes . Pome. ee ee on AY DAY Desc Jong Month, PON ye Vid hours | iehr down on the : Bho 1 1 1 Mi every day in that Loni 100 in a total of 204 Dome le on pe i fpese the = SLX episodes are hand picked for as four missions : oe over seve ee ships-—-my snemy . oe oe S10) anutes, L avereery) . cas ip flenter eo vere Se : and 45 mink Most of this We lof, and WE WET onth. Mos ot for the mo! ened 8 . first bk —. M4 11 ji leeneme in ton oe ee 260 et 26) dramatic punch and exciting re ig on ee | = i zation of “God Is My Co-Pilot.” Written by Col. Scott himself, all fe, { flew as many 3 Bes oP ieee Bo ny on the anered relics af 1 ixty days s pext Enbty One 9: He Fy had to go all the ¥ 2 a ig hg 2 that during 1 = Japanese plane : WOU av to Rangook. . way to 8 Sus confident: ~ fe ‘ on boys and |, for : ue aoe ith them BCPOSS Bur ~ fr and some nT Me™ igh in the SRY dite that jc would try 10 yure ane a pver the orion of ete trom to attack thes came Dem PO ove 7? a m : on Keep very 9 fa neanone : : turned East ans sta _ for the colar ee knew seere Japanese “Va i chem fre : ae = ii 3 : € Q Eee eee Lepeton about 08 Viruckeanat had © ame Galley proofs and mats of sapd ¥2 arms, and ORC® mores he ie me CUNNOTEE OU re | qvacers 60 sya foatit he S chip. Smoke Wee fon ; aremy: key could Smer fine ad e : ems b Wierd type and art are available FREE on order by news paper editors to: Warner Bros. Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, New York 18, N. Y. cot ace pet of th Hy Tie In With Scribner’s Book Here's your latest ‘ Warner Bros. BookSon, Nistory of A “ONE-MAN An, Into-Film poster, de‘ | a, Here is the original edition of "God Is My CosPilot, published by Charles Scrib ner's Sons, The inspiring story | signed especially for by Col. Robt. L. Scott, : school, library and bookstore tie-up displays. Available in lim ited quantities, 5c each. jee TORR we 2 a ote ie e eet en tr eae which sells for ORDER “God Is My Co$2.50. Pilot” Poster —5c ea. Arrange for local bookstore and library the goenst #o — from Warner Bros.’ displays, featuring stills from the film and Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th St., New York 18, New York. crediting your playdate.