God's Country and the Woman (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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Sfirial Billing Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. present 5% GODS COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN / Vee Sry 100% Steve Russett (George Brent) leaves his playboy activities in Based Upon the Novel by 5% the city with reluctance when summoned to the Vancouver office of the Russett Lumber Company by his ruthless brother Jeff JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD 25% (Robert Barrat) who is senior partner. On his arrival, Steve é : . unwittingly spoils a deal by which Jeff means to get control of Photographed in Technicolor 5% the rival company managed, since her father’s death, by the goodm7 looking ‘Jo’ Barton (Beverly Roberts). wit Disgusted by Jeff’s actions, Steve denounces him, and starts back to the city. Jeff gets a logger, Ole Oleson (HI Brendel) to = eCOr e Brent Beverl Roberts shanghai him and bring him back. Steve knocks out Ole and is 2s y forced down on Barton territory. He meets Jo and though she 85% does not know who he is, she instinctively dislikes him. Al H | Flying from her home he is waylaid and manhandled by Jeff’s ao as men who believe him to be a Barton spy. He is forced back to Barton MacLane Robert Barrat an ale Jo’s territory, and her woods boss, Skalka, (Alan Hale) gives 40% him a menial job. After several rough-and-tumble fights with Bullhead (Barton MacLane) and his pal Turpentine (Victor Joseph King ~EI Brendel — Joseph Crehan — Addison Richards Potel) Steve learns that they are Jeff’s spies, and planning to = set fire to the brush — under the claim that Jo’s men are re20% quired to work too hard on short rations. Steve hurries to Jo to inform her and is overheard by Gander * : * of (Roscoe Ates) who tells Bullhead. Aided by his gang, Bullhead Directed by WILLIAM KEIGHLEY 25% beats Steve up. He urges Jo to get rid of her claims and to go back to civilization with him, but she refuses. Steve then learns Music by Max Steiner 5% that his brother’s manager Gaskett (Addison Richards) is planning to cut off the Barton food. Commandeering an engine, * * * Steve, though in great peril, hauls the supplies through. He ; arrives to find the malcontents storming Jo’s home. Skalka, try A Warner Bros. Picture 5% ing to. defend hier;4a kaited. With the arrival of supplies, peace again reigns, and Jo makes Steve boss. Although she doesn’t yet know who he is, she is beginning to love him. One of Steve’s first acts is to fire Bullhead. All goes well till the enraged Jeff arrives. When Jo finds out that Steve is the brother of Jeff she casts him out of her life. Jeff orders his manager to stop Jo’s log drive. He enlists Bullhead who derails a log train, runs it over the cliff and causes a disastrous jam. To break the jam Steve takes his men into Jeff’s territory, but riflemen keep them off. In despair, Jo goes to Vancouver to offer to sell her claim to Jeff. He offers her a miserable price. Hearing from Jo how matters stand Steve flies back to her territory, rallies her men, and attacks the Russett forces from the rear. In a terrific hand-to-hand struggle, Bullhead and Skalka topple over the cliff. Steve goes down into the log jam, dynamites it, freeing the logs, but being himself hurled into the angry waters. Jeff and Jo have flown to the spot.. When Steve struggles to the shore the feud with his brother ends and love begins in earnest. Production Pepe cP ee 8 ae Oe aie > ee Se Se NOS reece George Brent fo. Diatiiticc 34. docok Sead ccd eerie Beverly Roberts Director William Keighley Buiblhbadsiniats fs hed ce. BaBaaowa..k Barton Macl.ane Jefferson Pugin one. a en Robert Barrat Screen Play by Norman Reilly Raine Bjorn Shaikh 2 ac ack ee ee en Alan Hale From the story by Peter Milne and Charles Belden Red Bie ea. cassis dse Joseph King Bool ou gh ual ‘. Tear tides Caeid Wee: Spare sa cacti obi sss dem BRR El Brendel Joedaiie ss AR. BS ae Joseph Crehan Photography by Tony Gaudio, A.S.C. CGashOts oki ios. Ras Addison Richards scbieilae Phétographie Ho rete Cidiiiler FIOM cs iste Roscoe Ates William Vo Skall eS: Deh io i Ro ge ae ne, Billy B a a oe Salt Alles Dee aoe PILUITIUS csrac cect iae SG cis sas eae aaah amass aha er oac Wilfred M. Cline, A.S.C. PUPROITUURG ee cen ee Vic Potel Wigs) tilt aa ise a i Mary Treen Technicolor Director Natalie Kalmus Doyle REG (oN oR oe ee a Ee Herbert Rawlinson Film: -Fditor Jack Killifer rc 1 Ste Re ee AO ieee or eee epee oe Harry Hayden eT igen. 8c car neta: Pat Moriarity Art Director Carl Jules Weyl US tic neg A I Max Wagner Missed! Pindictor Ae Pe I et Grace Moran. 262535. 4Liic. 2a Susan Fleming LENGTH RUNNING TIME