God's Country and the Woman (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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GOD’S COUNTRY ano roe WOMAN ADVERTISING AWOMAN AS RUTHLESS AND BEAUTIFUL AS THE FOREST WILDERNESS SHE RULED! ’Til The Man She Hated Found The Way To Her : couNTaY | AND THE WOMAN Filmed by Warner Bros. in Technicolor from JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD’s Epic Adventure Story...with GEORGE BRENT BEVERLY ROBERTS BARTON MacLANE ROBERT BARRAT ALAN HALE Joseph KingEl Brendel 4 Directed by WILLIAM KEIGHLEY Maske by Max Steiner T HEAT RE 279 Lines Mat No. 302—30c fine be “THEATRE | 89 Lines Mat No. 110—10c 83 Page Ten : ICODS Joseph Crehan Addison Richards / WCOUNTRY —— WOMEN WERE HIS HOBBY! MEN WERE HER HATRED! A girl fighting alone against a world of men . trying to live like one.. while one man fought to make her tTemember that she was all woman! GODS COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN’ From the novel by James Oliver Curwood with GEORGE BRENT | BEVERLY ROBERTS , BARTON MacLANE « ROBERT BARRAT ¢ ALAN HALE Joseph King « Joseph Crehan + El Brendel « Addison Richards Directed by WILLIAM KEIGHLEY &@ Photographed in Technicolor + Music by Max Steiner « AWarner Bros_Picture THEATRE Lines Mat No. 112—10c