Gold Is Where You Find It (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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PERSONALITIES and BRIEFS OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND—Tokio, Japan, was the birthplace of this dimpled little lovely. She came to California with her English parents at the ripe old age of three years. School ambition was to be a teacher, an author, or—an actress. Ambition number three was realized when a talent scout for Max Reinhardt saw her in a school production of ““A Midsummer Night's Dream.” She got the role of Hermia in Reinhardt’s Hollywood Bowl “‘Dream.’’ Next step was a contract with Warner Bros. Within two years, Olivia has become a top-ranking screen star with bigger and better roles constantly coming her way. In spite of all this she’s still pretty much of GEORGE BRENT—He’s tall, he’s tan, he’s terrific—is Irishman George Brent. What's more—he has lived! During the Irish Rebellion he was a rebel secret service man. Things got hot for him and he fled to London, which proved no refuge. So from there he went to Canada. But all roads lead to New York. Bitten by that old debbil the acting bug, he joined first one stock company, then another, and managed to cover most of this countrys one-night stands. But he was good—and the next step was Broadway. After Broadway — what? Why, Hollywood, of course. And that’s where Brent hopes to stay. A man’s man—he likes to fish, ride horses, is a a little girl—likes to swim and dance, eat ice-cream sodas, and doesn’t. go in for love affairs. Her newest picture is “Gold Is Where You Find It,’’ the Technicolor production at the Strand Theatre. fresh air fiend, and his favorite meal is steak, hash browned potatoes and strawberry short cake. Reads a great deal, likes intelligent women, is an expert at chess. Current picture: “Gold Is Where You Find It.”’ P8—TS5e Mat IlI——I15e Mat 108—~15¢ CLAUDE RAINS—Born in London with a love of the BARTON MACLANE—Of Scotch and Irish descent, he Theatre in his very veins, he started playing hookey was born in Columbia, South Carolina. He was educated from school when he was ten to act as page-boy in a thein the north, however, played football at Wesleyan Uniatre. By the time his parents found out about it, it was versity, worked for the Standard Oil Company, all the too, late to stop him. The theatre was his life. From call time harboring the secret ambition to become an actor. boy he rose to the position of prompter, then business Began playing in. stock in: Atlanta cthen Brooklyn, Nate. , sta ma er, and finally an actor of bit : tide, les ed ee iy Span Ae Eneland td Auateatier The ark and Hartford. Eventually one of those ever-peering ; Warner scouts saw him and he was given his first role war began—he enlisted in a Highland regiment, went to France where he was gassed and wounded. Returned to London to convalesce. The theatre beckoned again and within a few years he became one of the most prominent actors on the English stage. Subsequently he came to America, appeared in several Theatre Guild plays. Hollywood next—and fame. Favorite role is in ‘‘They Won't Forget.’’ Newest: ‘‘Gold Is Where You Find It.” Mat 104——15c¢ Mat 109—15¢ as the villain in “Black Fury.’” His hobby and all of his favorite outdoor sports rolled into one is his five-acre ranch in San Fernando valley. Spends all of his available time there, working on the land. Likes to read, play bridge, talk politics and drive his Ford. Has played all kinds of roles but prefers the “heavy” types. Is currently featured in “Gold Is Where You Find It.” Mat 110—15c MARGARET LINDSAY—Born of a socialite family in Dubuque, Iowa, none of whom had ever had anything to do with the stage, acting was her ambition from toddling days onward, Packed off to a private school in Washington, D. C., she stuck to her guns by majoring in dramatics. Next came the American Academy of Dramatic Art, without family sanction. Graduating with honors she went to London where she played several roles and acquired a perfect English accent. Back on home ground she migrated to Hollywood. Only minor parts were forthcoming. Then the call went out for an allBritish cast for ‘““Cavalcade.’” Margaret cashed in on that British accent. Result: she got a good part, and didn’t confess to her Iowan birth until after she’d made good— by which time no one cared. Is now appearing in ‘‘Gold Is Where You Find It.”’ JOHN LITEL-—Didn’t want to be a banker like his father, so he drifted away from his Albany, Wisconsin, home after he graduated from college, and took any jobs that offered themselves. At the age of twenty-six, he “found himself’? playing in a stock company with Grace George in a Shaw play. Since then he has played in almost every important stock company and city in the United States. Then Broadway and important roles in “Ceiling Zero,’ “Lily Turner’? and many others. Came to California to visit his mother. A talent scout for Warners met him and got him a screen test. He has been seen recently in such big productions as ‘Marked Women” and “The Life of Emile Zola” in outstanding character roles. His latest is in ‘“‘Gold Is Where You Find It’ now at the Strand Theatre. Mat 101—I15c Sandow Curtiz Michael Curtiz, Warner Bros. Many A True Word “Hollywood,” observes Claude Keeps Doctor Away On two successive nights a Likes To Chat Olivia de Havilland, star of few weeks ago, Olivia de HavilRains, Warner Bros. character director who made ‘Gold Is Warner Bros. Cosmopolitan land, young Warner Bros. star, star, “is a place where love is Where You Find It,’ now at the “Gold Is Where You Find It,” went to bed without her supper. a word they put in picture Strand Theatre, never misses a now at the Strand Theatre, has She wasn’t being punished by titles." He is now playing in circus. In Europe he was a strong discovered how to foil autograph “Gold Is Where You Find It.”’ her mother, either. It seems that man with a traveling show. Miss de Havilland had to play a scene in “‘Gold Is Where You Find It’ that required her to eat apples. Each day, she ate six apples and didn’t want food at eventide. Olivia is now to be seen at the Strand Theatre in “Gold Is Where You Find It,” a Warner’ Bros. Cosmopolitan Technicolor melodrama. hounds at film previews. Miss de Havilland tried out her new plan at the preview of “The Great Garrick,’ in which she plays opposite Brian Aherne, and it worked. She wears a huge hat. The hat is of straw and when she keeps her head down she can see through the brim. “I walked right through the crowd with my head down and the fans couldn't see under the hat,” Olivia says. No More Colds When all pictures are made in color, colds may be a thing of the past among Hollywood actors and actresses. Lost Her Man Margaret Lindsay, one of the stars of the Warner Bros.-Cosmo Members of the Warner Bros.Cosmopolitan ‘“‘Gold Is Where You Find It’? company have discovered that since they started working in the technicolor production they haven’t had colds. The reason is this: the carbon lights used in color pictures give off ultra-violet rays which build up resistance against colds. “‘Gold Is Where You Find It’ is now showing at the Strand Theatre with George Brent and Olivia de Havilland as stars. Others’ in the cast include Claude Rains and John Litel. Mat available for one color printing, No. 203—30c¢ OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND AND GEORGE BRENT, the stars of “Gold Is Where You Find It,” which comes to the Strand Theatre on Friday. politan Technicolor production, “Gold Is Where You Find It,’’ has, during the past three months, received 86 letters from fans who want her to get her man in her next picture. The fans protested that in both “Green Light’ and ‘‘Back in Circulation’’ Miss Lindsay lost the leading man to other actresses. She is to be seen in “Gold Is Where You Find It” now showing at the Strand Theatre. The picture co-stars Olivia de Havilland and George Brent and was directed by Michael Curtiz.