Granny Get Your Gun (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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PNY y ) A W Ye * f ( aaa a lS 4d > Clue Exhibit Among the clues which lead to the murderer in this picture are: a revolver, a woman’s lip stick, a woman’s handkerchief and two checks marked “Insufficient Funds.” Set up a clue display on a table in your lobby. Woman-on-Burro Street Gag One look at still GG-1 in the Vitagraph Exchange set will show you how to work this street bally. Have somebody dressed as an old woman in the same ‘costume May Robson is wearing . . . checkered skirt, high boots, sombrero, gun on hip, etc. Have her either lead or ride a mule through the streets. Placards on the side of the animal sell playdate. Granny Nickname Contest Most people call their grandmother by an affectionate term. Among these are: Granny, Gram, Grandma, etc. Get your patrons to submit the name they have given their grandparent and award a prize to the most unusual expression. Roping Contest for Gals Here’s a stunt for lots of laughs. Run a lassoing contest for women and have them demonstrate their — skill with a lariat on your stage or out front. Promote prizes for all entries in the contest. “Tall Story” Contest In “Granny Get Your Gun,” May Robson tells some pretty tall stories about the old days. How about an inquiring reporter stunt out front or on stage with people answering the question: “What was the most exciting adventure you ever had?” Story that seems the most improbable of all wins. Granny Anecdotes in Lobby Your inquiring reporter tells brief summary of the picture and then says: “But, in all probability, your very own grandmother has done something just as wonderful as Granny Robson. Why not tell us all about it?” This could also be worked as essay contest on back of weekly program for your patrons. Page Four » COME OUT WITH EXPLOITA ee ee ee eee ee Start It Off With a “G Start off your exploitation with this simple and popt nounce a big “Granny Photo Contest,” anybody who is a. eligible. This may be subdivided into several classes: (1) Oldest granny. (2) Youngest granny. (3) Gran grandchildren. (4) Most typical granny. (5) Gran dren photos. Call for any and all entries, sent in by either the relatives. When you get your candidates’ photos in, you can an class will be exhibited in a different place around town, t ment stores, theatre lobby, hotels, ete. Newspaper cooperation shouldn’t be too difficult to « ners’ photographs being sure-fire news. Merchants around town, florists, clothiers and jeweler: tacted for prizes and other promoted material for the wi Gold-Mining Lobby Display Say °Gi Play up the gold-rush angle by fitP ting out part of your lobby to look in Foreis like a mining camp. Feature bags Vine thé fallow of “gold dust,” pans, burro packs, many of your p: pick axes, etc. Can you work in a tify the langua burro too? the word, “‘gran dle stunt by pas *“*housebreaks’”’, Granny Day answer box. Around Town a ee P in How about a Grandmother's Day : Sang . = in your town? Cooperation with French ...... florists, telegraph office, restauae Boh USMR 2. .a. rants, etc., should put the idea SS eee over. This will be good for a lot of Roumanian . . . free publicity and advertising on your showing. if Customers Pose in Cut: & Have your a ing a blank local photos snaps custo through cut great deal fc VITAP TRAIL!