He Couldn't Say No (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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NON-RENTAL ITEMS I VI REGULAR WINDOW CARD 6 xX 9 HERALD ALL pol. "| 2eMODi ie Se aie eee a ONS AT 7c each BO tee ee ge eee ae 6c each 5M and over... $1.75 per M (OO FANG Over tS! Fe 5!/oc each Less than 5M... HUGH nd WITHERIPOON MIDGET WINDOW CARD 4c each a Ml x 14 C.F eure eek: OS AUTOGRAPHED STAR PORTRAIT PRICES: LOS 24 eh oe. tS tee 25 and Over vt e te OB iBLY ats eel oA Take advantage of our wide range of display accessories. Drop us a postcard today. Let us tell you how your theatre can have these displays at a reasonable weekly rental fee. Write directly to: | I an = Wy AMERICAN DISPLAY COMPANY, Inc. 24" x 60" 525 WEST 43rd STREET NEW YORK CITY (also available in size 24" x 82") Page Seven