Here Comes Happiness (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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He’s going to get kissed. and he doesn’t know by whom! A e’s going to get married... and she doesn’t know the groom! with Mildred COLES -Edward NORRIS -Richard AINLEY Russel HICKS Marjorie GATESON Directed by NOEL M. SMITH A WARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture Screen Play by Charles Tedford + From a Story by Harry Sauber Vitegraph, Ine. Mat 202—6 inches x 2 columns (166 lines )—30c with MILDRED COLES + RICHARD AINLEY tp EDWARD NORRIS (wanuee sao) RUSSEL HICKS MARJORIE GATESON WY, picected by NOEL M. SMITH » A WARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture S22 2,0, Opuls Tylod Vitegraph, Inc. Mat 203—2\, inches x 2 columns (64 lines )—30c TWO ADS ON ONE MAT 105-—lLi5c L x Phe, age CEO SERE COMES © ° HAPPINESS’ ® MILDRED COLES-EDWARD NORRIS-RICHARD AINLEY at he! RUSSEL HICKS + MARJORIE GATESON Directed by NOEL M. SMITH »AWARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture Screen Play by Charles Tedford * From a Scory by Harry Sauber MILDRED COLES-EDWARD NORRIS RICHARD AINLEY RUSSEL HICKS MARJORIE GATESON Directed by NOEL M. SMITH AWARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture Screen Play by Charles Tedford ¢ From a Story by Harry Sauber Vitagraph, Inc. MILDRED COLES-EDWARD NORRIS-RICHARD AINLEY RUSSEL HICKS » MARJORIE GATESON Directed by NOEL M. SMITH» AWARNER BROS.-First Nat'IPicture Screen Play by Charles Tedford * From a Story by Harry Sauber Vitegraph, Ine, 5 inches (70 lines )—15c When a honey with money meets a mug who can hug, look for larceny, look for laughs, look for love! And here it comes! Directed by NOEL M. SMITH A WARNER BROS.First Nat'l Picture MUIR) Mildred COLES Edward NORRIS -Richard AINLEYRussel HICKS Marjorie GATESON Vitagroph, Inc. Screen Play by Charles Tedford * From a Story by Harry Sauber Mat 204—4), inches x 2 columns (130 lines )—30c AND IT’S CERTAINLY COMING YOUR WAV... Mat 104 MILDRED COLES EDWARD NORRIS: RICHARD AINLEY RUSSEL HICKS + MARJORIE GATESON Directed by NOEL M. SMITH *AWARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture Screen Play by Charles Tedford * From a Story by Harry Sauber Vitagraph, Inc. Mat 106 534 inches (82 lines )—1l5c Official Billing WARNER BROS. Pictures, Inc. Presents “HERE COMES HAPPINESS” with Mildred Coles Edward Norris Richard Ainley 20% Russel Hicks Marjorie Gateson 20% DIRECTED BY NOEL M. SMITH 15% Screen Play by Charles Tedford 3% From a Story by Harry Sauber 2% A Warner Bros.-First National Picture “8% Country of origin U.S.A. Copyright 1941 Vitagraph, Inc. License to reproduce with copyright notice granted newspapers, magazines and other periodicals.