Hot Money (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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e & 8 @ & ® HOT MONE WY a ] &@ @ & ] ee ee eee eee, eae eee ee ee ee ee, THE SEASON’S HIWe. ) SPEED HILARITY HIT! yr -HI-SPEED | HILARITY HIT! < eee -Fast-moving fun, frenFast-moving fun, frenzied zied finance, and frivo finance, and frivolous females! lous females! Take Take our tip—it’s hot stuff! our tip—it’s hot stuff! Also JOS. CAWTHORN ' PAUL GRAETZ ANNE NAGEL Directed byWm. McGANN A Warner Bros. Picture with ROSS ALEXANDER .. , BEVERLY ROBERTS. % pone’ A Warner Bros. Picture with ROSS ALEXANDER BEVERLY ROBERTS JOSEPH CAWTHORNe PAUL GRAETZ « ANNE NAGEL Directed by WM. McGANN 168 Lines—Mat No. 301—30c 7&8 Lines—Mat No. 109—-10c HE CHEATS ’EM etseniae CT EATRE Tae AND DATE You'd better see the picture to find out what happens when playboy Ross Alexander mixes blondes and business in the ~ most frenzied finance since the Fall of ’29! TAKE OUR TIP ... IT’S A PIP! Warner Bros’ Frenzied Farce — of Furious Finance, with ROSS ALEXANDER BEVERLY ROBERT A Warner Bros Picture JOSEPH CAWTHORN PAUL GRAETZ ANNE NAGEL Directed by William McGann ROSS ALEXANDER BEVERLY ROBERTS JOSEPH CAWTHORN * PAUL GRAETZ THEATRE SHORTS ssonaanansscsnsssassssss 162 Lines—Mat No. 203—20c 178 Lines—Mat No. 205—20c Page Four