Hotel Berlin (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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3 START YOUR CAMPAIGN ig Cartoon Suggests Es ist verboten fiir EARLY WITH THESE Timely Local Tie-in alle guten Nazis fotel Berlin) FOUR TEASER ADS usehen! Es zeigt sig Wahcheiton, Use these four teasers, which were used A. Aitler for the New York Strand opening, for early 3% official Translation: interest in the following ways: ORDER! ALL GOOD NAZIS ARE fos Angeles Times 7. LOSES ge M8 1, Newspapers: One a day for four days in advance of your opening; or else all four, run of paper, on the same day as your x6 opening day insertion, with a line slugged A chtung f in at the bottom directing the reader to your regular display ad. Sie werden sehr bald fyote ( Berlin 2. Blow-Ups: Blow-up for advance lobby | von innen sehen! tack cards or for spot enlargements as Dies war vorher fiir counter cards, window stickers, etc. Pmerikaner nicht Take your cue from the cartoon reproduced mégli ch! 3. Postcards: Reprint any one of the above (drawn by Bruce Russell), which ap peared in a recent issue of the Los Angeles SE Official Translation: four teasers on the back of a postcard for Times as a 3-column feature on the editorial ATTENTION! YOU ARE VERY SOON TO SEE THE INSIDE OF THE HOTEL BERLIN! TAIS WAS NOT direct mail advance distribution to your page. Contact your local editor and suggest pica aici ating a reqular list of atrons a written editorial or a cartoon similar to the g P : one above, based on the “Hotel Berlin” theme. It should prove both timely and effective. Be sure to tie in your playdate. es ea Der Doorman at Hotel Berlin | 4 as al, =e, : WwW Q } [ ti You can also use the cartoon in either of (0 ama on! All four on one these two ways: MUNG! : Zu allen Nazis int Morgen werden die mat. Order "HB" 1. Blow up for a catchy lobby or counter card. Teaser Mat No. fote : Berlin Juren geoffnet 302-B, 45c, from 2. Use the cartoon as the basis for a local eee ee . ¢ fr ys 6 topical cartoon contest (among high school Ons Rotel sofort sem fiir die imnere Warner Bros.’ and college students, art school students, 3u verlassen ehe Geschichte von Campaign Plan etc.) with a War Bond prize to the winner eS in mi (honen ° and guest seats to runners-up. In case of tie, St " be lodiert ! . Hotel Kerlin! Editor, 321 W. the winner should be chosen on the basis ucke exp ogee, 44th St., New of the best 25-word-or-less letter stating why xf Official Translation: 3 Official Translation: York 18 N " y ; the contestant wants to see Warners’ “Hotel WARNING! TO ALL NAZIS IN THE PROCLAMATION! DOORS OPEN j Berlin.” HOTEL BERLIN! LEAVE AT ONCE TOMORROW FOR THE INSIDE STORY 2 BEFORE IT 1S BLASTED INSIDE OUT! ON HOTEL BERLIN ! 2-COLUMN PICTURE FEATURE AVAILABLE FOR NEWSPAPERS From Vicki Baum’s best-seller of the same name Warner Bros. have fashioned their timely and provocative new melodrama, “Hotel Berlin,” now playing at the..............-.* Theatre. With an outstanding cast starring Faye Emerson, Helmut Dantine, Raymond Massey, Andrea King and Peter Lorre, the film exposes the hopes and the horrors locked behind the Westwall for the past five years. Topranking Wehrmacht officers plotting the next World War, hunted members of the underground in search of escape, beautiful women of vacillat me. ideology and petty Nazi Beautiful Tillie Weiler (Fuye Emerson) Baron Von Stetten (Henry Daniell) Lovely actress Lisa Dorn At long last, Prof. Koenig officials play a cat and mouse works with the Nazis as official hotel hostess. warns Gen. Von Dahnwitzs (Ray(Andrea King) aids Mar(Peter Lorre) rejects securgame of vicious proportions Informing against unsuspecting guests, she mond Massey ) that the latter’s part tin (Helmut Dantine) in ity to join the underground. in the labyrinthine cellars af bargains with under-official Hermann in the attempt on Hitler’s life has his escape. Then, in self. He reads a leaflet to a coBerlin’s proudest hotel, Plottke (Alan Hale) for a new pair of shoes. been discovered, defense, she betrays him. worker (Paul Ander). ORDER “HB” Movie-Of-The-Week Mat No. 501-B, 75c, from Warner Bros.’ Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th St., New York 18, N. Y. Page Three