I am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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It's THRILLING! 2a; iy SONU aT in @ greater role than “Scarface” as the fugitive who escaped a living hell TWICE... gndwrote his storyin HIDING! Don’t miss FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG’ Warner Bros: 4-Star Hit! Cut No. 30 Cut 20c Mat 5c 66 LINES Cut No. 31 Cut 20c Mat 5c 15 LINES Cut No. 42° Cut 200 “Mat 5 15 LINES DUI 9 DKUISES Ja orville, Fla.,. Oct.. 8..(P)—~ scratches were foi rth The-4-Star hit that put a price on its author’s head... with the’star of “Scarface? =. 1AM A FUCITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG” with PAUL MUNI Cat No. 38° Cut 20c Mat Sc | Cut No. 29 Gt 20c Mat 5c 117 LINES 62 INES 1AM A FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN G/ 'G" PAUL MU |E ZA ES om Cut No. 41 Cut 20c Mat 5c NES See the star of “Scarface” as the fugitive who dared to tell ALL... ‘a FROM A CHAIN GANG' “ PAUL MURE WARNER BROS.’ 4-STAR HIT! RST ERIS TETAS NRE RE AL OD Cut No. 45 Cut 20c Mat 5c 132 LINES Nicci ee cree Cut No. 52 Cut 20c Mat 5c 135 LINES Cut No. 46 Cut 20c Mat 5c 91 LINES Page 13A \