I am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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er Be ee ne ee wes wee = enacted in “Scarface.’”’ He a can be, 1n some of the scenes, | the personable young man | whom Broadway audiences have known this and last season in ‘Counselor at Law.’ The scene at the left from “I Am A _ Fu$§itive’’ shows Mr. Muni with a member of his supporting cast, Noel Francis. The star need not be surprised if from now on he begins to receive the “‘fan”’ letters usually denied an actor but always accorded a striking personality. Muni has already won sefious audiences. Now he may expect to be mobbed at movie first nights! ; Is it his intensity? Is it his sincerity? Or is it the technique he learned in his long apprenticeship playing every kind of part in the theatre? We only know that in Paul Muni the screen has found an actor big enough to play heroic réles. And as the fugitive from a chain gang‘ in Warners’ new screen drama he §Sives a vital, a tragically moving performance. an ee Le he ts iil “Tl AmA Fu&itive’’ offers no crusadin§ solution to the _ prison problems it presents: It is first, last, and alwaysastirring motion picture entertainment. Like ‘‘The Public Enemy” itis terrific inits timeliness. And we predict for 1t a success as record-breaking as that gangster melodrama. Based on the book of the same title by Robert Burns, “IT AmA Fugitive from a Chain Gang” will attract the attention of every type of screen audience. Paul Mun1’s honest portrayal will set a new Standard in_ screen acting. Page 164 ae