I Married a Doctor (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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OINTING THE WAY — TO A SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN “HERE IS A SWEEF BOX-OFFICE PROSPECT ~ raves Variety Daily. And this is why: Film is based on the most powerful love story ever written by Sinclair Lewis. Its theme together with the current popularity of Author Lewis should assure unusual interest in your show. The re-union of PAT O'BRIEN and JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON | will be big news to the legion of fans who were so enthusiastic about this team's work in "Oil For the Lamps of China’. In addition, you've got ROSS ALEXANDER, whose followers are increasing with his every picture; GUY KIBBEE, one of the industry's top comics and LOUISE FAZENDA, who turns in the surprise performance of her career with a role that's different from any she has ever played. All of these important elements whipped into shape by ARCHIE MAYO, scoring with his follow-up hit to “PETRIFIED FOREST". A’Warner Bros. Picture ® Country of origin U. S. A. Copyright 1936 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers