I Married a Doctor (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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a a 21 EASY STUNTS-2 BIG TIE-UPS Josephine Hutchinson’s Hair Suggests BALLY CAMPAIGN FOR TOWN’S RED-HEADS Josephine Hutchinson is red-headed, which suggests a few stunts for your town's carrot tops. Here they are, Mistah, take your pick: BEAUTY ADVICE TO RED-HEADS Beauty expert can set up his stand in lobby and give talks on various treatments for the tlaming beauties. And at his shop, he offers specials for red-heads. Of course, you also try to plant stories on women's page and nab a coupla co-op ads on the subject. FREE ADMISH TO FIRSTERS If you offer ducats to the first twenty titian-tressed to arrive at b. 0. you oughta get plenty of action ‘round your front. GIVE 'EM A PARTY It shouldn't be hard to promote enough food so that you can throw a party in your lobby for the red-heads. And it oughta give the newshawks a feature story that yo' ed might accept—not to mention photographs that you'll send in. PLOT SHOULD INTEREST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Your chamber of commerce might be interested in film because plot concerns itself largely with making the town beautiful. Organizations sponsoring a ‘city beautiful’ movement can claim film inspired ‘em. DOCS' WIVES COMMENT On opening night you can invite a coupla wellknown doctors’ wives. And you'd better have photographers handy to snap 'em—and some newshawks to take down their comments on film. These you can use in ads and blow-ups as well as in publicity stories. MEN'S STORE CO-OP AD WORSTEDS FOR SPRING Say Hollywood Style Experts And we don't feel that we're exaggerating when we say that even the illustrious star of “T’ Married a Doctor’ would be pleased with our enormous selection of Spring weight worsteds. Whether you need a suit or topcoat, you won't find a wider selection than at our store. Drop in and look around; we're sure you'll find what you want! PAT O’BRIEN Appearing with Josephine Hutchinson in “T Married a Doctor”, now playing at the Strand Theatre. CHESTNUT and MAIN STREETS PAUL'S MEN'S SHOP Here's a co-op ad set-up that may interest men's shop manager when he plans Spring advertising. If he likes it, order still No. PO 117— 10c, from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, New York City. QUIZ ON FAMOUS WIVES We think you could get an attention-getting display by making up a display for lobby, using stills of famous women who are married to doctors. Heading is ''| MARRIED A DOCTOR" . . . and caption under each still tells who husband is or was. It'll be a cinch to get the movie stars, and you can get photos of the other women from newspaper's morgue. Same idea can also be used as lobby or newspaper contest. In case you can't think of any, here are a few doctors’ wives: Mary Roberts Rinehart, novelist, wife of the late Dr. Stanley Rinehart, former chiet surgeon at the Marine Hospital, Pittsburgh; Madame Marie Curie, scientist, was the wife of Dr. Pierre Curie betore her death; Claudette Colbert, wife of Dr. Joel A. A. Pressman, prominent West Coast physician; Irene Dunne, wite of Dr. Francis E. Griffin, well known New York dentist; Norma Terris, wite of Dr. Jerome Wagner, noted New York physician. DISPLAY IN DRUG STORE Y'might persuade drug store to run a special window display of vaccines and biologicals tieing in the part that doctors' wives have played in administering aid. Or display could be testimonial type in honor of medics. Your plug comes in with still number ID-97 obtainable for lOc from Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, New York City. IDENTIFY LOCAL WIVES Any chance of landing a contest wherein tintype facts about prominent wives of prominent medicos are published with readers asked to identify 'em? Can be stretched into several days, running one at a time, and you offer ducats to first five correct set of answers. Same idea could also be used by running photos of the women. REMIND PATRONS OF "OIL" Let the fans know that this film has the same stars as "Oil For The Lamps Of China”. Y'might rig up lobby display of stills from former pic alongside of photo display on current show. Underliners in ads and heralds remind ‘em about it, too. LET THE NURSES KNOW Let the nursing gals know about show. You can do this via letters, heralds or notices tacked on dormitory bulletin boards. TIE-UP WITH MEN'S SHOP THE GENTLEMAN OBVIOUSLY BELIEVES IN POLO SHIRTS Pat O'Brien, who appears with Josephine Hutchinson in "| Married a Doctor", at the Strand Theatre, affects this swaggery, carelessly informal polo shirt for leisure moments and sports wear. Come in and let us show you our polo shirt selection. eo ee kN To 100 GRAND STREET jee Here's another idea for men's shop. If store manager likes—you're all set . . . except that you'll need still No. PO-Pub A57, which can be had for only a dime on order from the Campaign Plan Editor, 321 West 44th Street, New York City. DOCTOR'S WIFE WRITES ON HER MARRIED LIFE Perhaps wife of prominent physician in town will write feature story for local paper—sort of reminiscing. Of course, her story carries the name "| Married a Doctor," and she makes numerous remarks about film because you've had a special screening for her before she started writing. DEDICATE FILM TO DOCS Film could be dedicated to doctors in town who have done most for city. Board of higherups, including yo' ed, decides who are most worthy. Then you make up a special introduction or slide, which flashes on right before the picture, dedicating it to these men. Of course, you'll list their names. Wouldn't hurt to tell about dedication in story released to the papers. BEAUTY SHOP CO-OP AD We think this , still would work | out pretty well | for beauty shop | ad or window | tie-up on the — coiffure angle Still, of Alma | Lloyd, is No. Lloyd 2 — 10c . from Campaign — Plan Editor, 321 West 44th St., New York City. Page Three