I Sell Anything (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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Page Eight HE COULD SELL Water Wings tol Johnny Weissmuller - Finger-Bowls to Cannibals - A Dress Suit to Ghandi! And when he sells himself to a dame with a bank. roll—he tops ‘Here Comes the Navy” for laughs! —_ “4 SEE How to “age” furniture a hundred years in fif teen minutes! How’ to sell a watch three times «.and still keep the watch! A First National Picture with ANN DVORAK CLAIRE DODD mao ROSCOE KARNS 130 Lines Mat No. 22—-20c WHAT A LINE OF GOODS HE SOLD HER...AND THEN SHE SOLD HIM OUT!... The great laugh star of “20 Million Sweethearts” and ‘‘SHere Comes the Navy” as God’s Gift-of-gab to women in Warner Bros.’ riotous expose of high-pressure salesmanship— / @ with PAT O’BRIEN ANN DVORAK e¢ CLAIRE DODD A First Nationa] Picture 186 Lines Mat No. 23—20c POSITIVELY, LADIES AND GENTS, THE BIGGEST ENTER-| TAINMENT BAR@ GAIN OF THE SEASON! ..-And for once in his worthless life, good old “Spot Cash” is offering real value! Take our word for it, here’s an 18-carat riot with the great laugh star of “20 Million Sweethearts” and “Here Comes the Navy” at his fastest and funniest! ~ 154 Lines + HE'S GOD'S. 154 Lines A First National PAT O'BRIEN Ann Dvorak ° Claire Hic with Dodd ° Roscoe Karns Mat No. 24——20e¢ Mat No. 25—20c THEATRE *THEATRE