In Caliente (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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EXPLOITATION d=Day Beauty Hints Feature “Dark, dry skin is so unusual that it is often overlooked by beauty experts when they plan their preparations and treatments. Yet it, more than any other type, presents a very real problem to the woman who possesses it,” says Dolores Del Rio, whose warm, glowing loveliness is greatly the result of her soft, always clear skin. “The first thing for the woman who has dark, dry skin to remember is that she must give it plenty of lubrication. But she must also be careful not to overburden it as this is certain to eause blackheads and blemishes,” continued the radiant Miss Del Rio, whose latest film, “In Caliente”. opens at the ............0.:..., following method most successful in caring for my skin, which I believe you'll recognize as the dark, dry type. In the morning I first use a good, pure cleansing cream, DARK, DRY SKIN CARE EXPLAINED BY DEL RIO removing it with tissues. Then, I freshen my face with a nottoo-strong astringent (all preparations used on dark, dry skin must be gentle) and prepare it for makeup. “The dark, dry skin needs a cream foundation. And it should be applied while the skin is still slightly moist from the astringent, using only a few drops of the cream. With my forefinger I make five dots of cream on my face — a dot on my forehead, one on the tip of my nose, one on my chin and one. on each cheek. “These tiny drops of cream are smoothed in with a few drops of the astringent and are rubbed thoroughly until all of the foundation has been absorbed by the skin, which is then ready for makeup. This is the perfect morning care—and tomorrow, Ill tell you how I eare for my skin at night.” PICK MAKEUP ‘TO FIT’ FACE JIS DEL RIO TIP “Naturalness is the keynote of the modern mode in makeup,” explains Dolores Del Rio, lovely Warner Brothers star whose latest picture, “In Caliente” opens BEANO ois eis TREAT: sce “That means that every woman must select very carefully the cosmetics best suited to her individual type of beauty, in order that she never look obviously ‘made up.’ “There are certain powders and rouges and lipsticks especially prepared for golden _ blondes. Others are designed to enhance the warm, glowing beauty of sunkissed brunettes. While the woman who belongs in neither category, who is perhaps a blonde with dark skin, or a brunette with pale ivory skin like myself, must combine some of the cosmetics for each of these types until she has found the set she needs. “T use very little rouge, I prefer a powder rouge, as the slightest touch of the cotton rouge pad gives me as much color as I need. “Another thin dusting of powder, in order to blend the edges of the rouge — and then a gentle brushing with a camel’s-hair brush to remove all surplus rouge or powder, and I’m ready for my eye-shadow. First, I wipe off my eyelids with my forefinger dipped in vaseline—not enough to make a coating, exactly, but enough to leave a perfectly clean surface for the eye-shadow. Then, a tiny, tiny bit of brown eye-shadow. “Very brilliant, vivid lipstick gives the finishing touch — and I do believe that a woman can rely upon her lipstick for the principal touch of color in her makeup. It is the one cosmetic that can be used daringly with fine results. “One more hint — and I’ve told you all I can about makeup as I use it. I always use fresh eotton pads for applying makeup, as I believe that old rougeand-powder puffs, soiled and greasy, are the direct cause of more skin blemishes than one realizes. “So, for a clear skin and a perfect makeup, use a fresh piece of cotton every time you dip into your rouge or powder jars!” Info for the fems that really means something! It’s authentic, of real value—and tied to the Del Rio name for your playdate mention. CLEANSE FACE NIGHTLY, SAYS MISS DEL RIO “The first rule for attaining a flawless skin is to cleanse it thoroughly at night, being sure that every vestige of makeup is removed,’ says Dolores Del Rio, lovely Warner Brothers star whose latest picture, “In Caliente” opens at the ..........0...0. Theatre “One c:iseeceetcs own case, a8 you can see, my skin is dark and dry. That means I have to be even more particular about the condition in which I leave it before going to sleep. “No coming home from the studio late and dropping off to sleep without removing my makeup — no dancing until the wee sma’ hours and then retiring with rouge and powder still on my face! If I did that, I’d have the sort of skin that neither you nor I like. “So, regardless of how I feel, I have one inviolable rule — before going to bed I give my skin the proper care. First, I give it a thorough cleansing with soft, fluffy cream and when I remove the first coat, the dirt and grime and makeup come off. with it. “Then, I rub on a second coat of cream and leave it on for fifteen or twenty minutes. I find it most satisfactory to leave this second coat of cream on while I take my bath, as the steam from the hot tub helps open the pores and allows the cream to penetrate deeply and do a complete job of removing all foreign matter. “When I get out of the tub, I wipe off all of the cream and rinse my face about six times with warm water, finishing with several rinses of very cold water. I think it’s especially good for the skin, too, to splash the cold water on the face, patting well to stir up a good circulation until the skin glows. A final freshening with my pet astringent, and I’m ready for a good night’s rest, knowing that I’ve left my skin in the right condition to allow nature to do a grand reconstruetion job while I sleep. SHAMPOO HAIR OFTEN, ADVISES MISS DEL RIO “A woman’s hair has more perhaps to do with her appearance than any other one factor. No matter how lovely her features, how clear her skin, if her hair is stringy or unkept, she will look dowdy and unattractive. But many homely faces achieve real distinction under a becoming coiffure,” is the opinion of Dolores Del Rio, whose gorgeous raven hair is one of the outstanding characteristics of the lovely Mexican star, whose latest picture, “In Caliente,” opens at the Beat gtd Sk "ER GALTO so fesse “The basis of all beauty of hair is health of the scalp. If you would give your hairdresser something to work with, if you would have the sort of soft, lustrous tresses that win envy and admiration, you must first give your hair and scalp the care and attention necessary to assure their health. “My own hair is dark and dry,” the lovely Warner Brothers star went on. “That means that I must constantly guard it against the drying caused by the studio lights and the California sun. I must have my scalp massaged regularly and treated with oil. And the treatments I have evolved will prove advantageous to every woman who has hair like mine, I believe. “T find that a weekly shampoo is necessary to keep my hair in perfect condition. A thorough brushing every night takes care of removing much of the dust and grime of the day, but a thorough washing at least once a week is advisable. “For my shampoo, I like a pure castile soap every other week, while on the alternate weeks, I use a soapless oil. This leaves the hair soft and silky, and very shiny. On the weeks when I have the castile soap shampoo, I first have warm olive oil massaged thoroughly into my scalp about an hour before the shampoo. “Fortunately, my hair is naturally curly, which means that I do not have to dry it further by the application of hot irons. But even the woman who has a permanent or marcels has nothing to fear if she places herself in the hands of a competent operator, and gives her hair the constant care that will keep it in a healthy condition. RELAX FOR BEAUTY, COUNSELS FILM STAR “Today, as never before, women are ‘beauty-conscious.’ They have become aware of the importance of personal appearance in business as well as in their private lives. They spend huge sums of money wisely and well, too, on beauty treatments and cosmetics. “Which is as it should be — except that they so often overlook the one inexpensive thing that is within the reach of all, and that is just as important as all of the aids they so assiduously seek. That one thing is Relaxation,” says Dolores Del Rio, whose latest picture, “In Caliente,” opens at. the .....ncn: Theatre “For no matter how carefully a woman tends her hair and skin, regardless of how thoughtfully she chooses her wardrobe, nor how conscientiously she does her ‘daily dozen,’ unless she has learned the secret of ‘letting down’ and relaxing, nerve-strain will etch lines in her forehead and put grey hairs on her head. “Perhaps we women of pictures have had the lesson forced upon us. We work constantly under such a nervous strain that had we not learned to relax, we would often break down before a picture is finished. But by learning the simple secret of snatching a few moments’ repose, our health and our looks are preserved. “It was difficult at first — but I have learned to sit down on the set when I finish a scene, to put my head back and close my eyes and absolutely rest. And this is something that any and every woman can do, whether she works in an office, or a store or just at home. “She’ll find that a few second’s rest several times a day will more than repay her in beauty dividends! & ® TITLE PAGES And The MUSIC COUNTER CARD (Not illustrated) In two colors and die-cut for a flash on dealer counters and windows. They’‘re 9 x 12—easelbacked and printed on 6-ply board. Price only 5c. each, postage collect. REMICK REPRESENTATIVES SAM SERWER ELMER McDONALD R.C.A. Bldg., 1250 Sixth Ave., N. Y. C. 3809 Page Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri NELSON INGHAM BOBBY MELLIN c/o Wurlitzer Chi Rite 1015 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, O. at Hendsips Byes see FRANK RICE ARTHUR MEHLINGER 5808 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood Cal. 131 Arlington Street Boston, Mass. DAVE FRANK, 605 Canal St., New Orleans, La. BALLY RECORD It does as good a job of selling the picture as anything else we can think of. For sound truck, P. A. system on front or marquee. Recorded by Decca and yours for 75c. THE TUNES Everybody Knows ’Em! MUCHACHA IN CALIENTE THE LADY IN RED TO CALL YOU MY OWN WINDOW STREAMER (Right) They're yours FREE as long as they last. Music and record dealers display ‘em in their windows. Note display for the film. Measures 6 x 18 inches. In two bright colors. Free—in limited quantities so write pronto! Page Four