In This Our Life (Warner Bros.) (1942)

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DAVIS OLIVIA de HAVILAND GEORGE Sind} WARNER BROS’. newest arn ps with CHARLES COBURN FRANK CRAVEN BILLIE BURKE Directed by JOHN HUSTON Screen Play by Howard Koch « Based Upon the Novel by Ellen Glasgow * Music by Max Steiner Mat 214--24%2 inches x 2 columns (68 lines)--30c GEORGE BRENT DENNIS MORGAN in Ellen Glasgow's great story 2 ADS ON ONE MAT © “| CAN GET ANYTHING | a Sill Mat l2=1de THEIR BEEAteS BETTE DAVIS BETTEDA DAVIS DeHAVILLAND/ de HAVILLAND “atonat otanié dy GEORGE BRENT DENNIS MORGAN , BRENT: MORGA WARNER BROS’. newest sensation, with hile Oucl fe i CHARLES COBURN FRANK CRAVEN n Ellen Glasgow's gre CHARLES COBURN “aie sensation, with Directed Facial BILLIE BURKE WARNER BROS’. newest sensation y STON BILLIE BURKE Directed by JOHN HUSTON | Screen Play by Howard Koch + Based upon the Novel by Ellen Glasgow Music by Max Steiner * A Warner Bros -First National Picture with CHARLES COBURN : FRANK CRAVEN BILLIE BURKE sok “Huston Screen Play by Howard Koch + Based Upon the Novel by Ellen Glasgow us sa gradi Sr Music by Max Steiner + A Warner Bros.-First National Picture Mat 109 6% inches (89 lines)--15c Mat 107 9 inches WARNER BROS’. newest sensation, with ( 126 lines ) CHARLES COB R ° FRANK CRAVEN 15¢ ao ARNER BROS", newest sensation. with I] BILLIE BURKE oi by JOHN HUSTON CHARLES COBURN FRANK CRAVEN: BILLIE BURKE preted by sun nuston Acro, nn tr by Een een Screen Play by Howard Koch ¢ Based Upon the Novel by Ellen Glasgow Music by Max Steiner * A Warner 8ros.-First National Picture Mat 213--1 inch x 2 columns (30 lines)--350c WARNER BROS. TRAILER Vitaphone Shorts Selections | Official Billing “HORTON HATCHES THE EGG” is a scoop for Merrie Melodies! WARNER BROS. 40% Leon Schlesinger’s faithful picturization of the best-seller book by Dr. Seuss, famous newspaper cartoonist and illustrator, sets-a new style | in shorts entertainment. With over 2,000,000 copies of the book sold, this short has a ready-made audience. Motion Picture Daily calls it a B & A Pp “really unusual color cartoon!’’ Book it today! 7715—Merrie Melodies e (In Technicolor)—9 mins. 100% “CALIFORNIA JUNIOR SYMPHONY,” an outstanding orchestral group GEORGE BRENT ® DENNIS MORGAN 100% of over 100 youths in their ’teens and below, is introduced to sereengoers. Peter Meremblum, conductor and teacher at the University of California School of Music, leads the group in a well-rounded program bé 9 of everybody’s favorites. This one is tops! 7109—Broadway Brevities N —20 mins. Pictures, Inc. Presents 5% with “RICHARD HIMBER AND ORCHESTRA” take the stand with 10 min utes of top-notch musical and vocal entertainment. 7507—-Melody CHARLES COBURN 40% eae . FRANK CRAVEN — BILLIE BURKE 30% “SHOOT YOURSELF SOME GOLF” features Jimmy Thomson, world’s record holder for longest drive, and Jack Redmond, world’s champion Directed by JOHN HUSTON 25% trick golfer, as instructors for such apt pupils as Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman. Every golfer will want to see this one! 7406—Sports Screen Play by Howard Koch 3% Remade (Ent Pecisieeiir dee WA. Based Upon the Novel by Ellen Glasgow 2% “SAPS IN CHAPS” pokes fun at the old “wild west,”” cowboys and Music by Max Steiner 3% rodeos. It may not be history, but it’s surely lots of fun! 7608— , : Looney Tunes—7 mins. A Warner Bros.-First National Picture 5%