Janie Gets Married (Warner Bros.) (1946)

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» Here’s the Joy-Stunt-of-the-M onth! About three weeks in advance of playdate announce that ‘Janie’ will get married on your stage — or in your lobby! The couple will be showered with gifts — from the ring to the wedding breakfast’s burned toast — all contributed by cooperating merchants. SET IT UP THIS WAY: 1. Search for ‘‘Janie”’ is effected through an “application” form carried by cooperating merchants in their regular display ads. Eligibility requires that girl’s name be Janie, unless you feel this would be too restrictive, in which case you can keep eligibility open to all girls; that fiance be a discharged G.I.; that parents approve. Final selection is made by local columnist or woman radio commentator. 2. Newspaper stories and pictures and radio interviews cover search and selection of ‘‘Janie.” 3. Contributed gifts are displayed in store windows and in your lobby. Individual merchants advertise special ‘Janie Gets Married Days”. 4. Wedding ceremony staged just before evening performance on opening day, with full newspaper and radio coverage.