Jewel Robbery (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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SCREEN HIT OF THE STARTS He stole her JEWELS — but that wasn’t all! Do you enjoy a good blush? Then come early and see why this lovely baroness let a handsome thief take something her husband never knew she had! Intimate?—Why it’s as deliciously revealing as a Parisienne chemise! a She was a jewel— A-and he a robber . of ohl-OH! COLISEUM Greatest romantic duo on the screen together again in a sparkling Warner Bros.’ hit that doubles every thrill of all their pas 2s! He Drives Wives ROMANTIC and Husbands FRANTIC! Peeee this handsome thief found it easier breaking into women’s boudoirs than opening safes! Lovehungry women welcomed him, because they hoped he’d take more than just their jewels! ishing screen The most ravteam on the by Warner Bros. for their greatest hit! OPENS TOMORROW STRAND Cut No.22 ¢ .vove romantic re united PWIA Mat 15c Out No.11 Out60c Matiiec -TO-THE ELL POWEI COMBI HE ENTERS WHERE EVE HUSBANDS FEAR TO TREA Follow the adventures of this romantic robber who fascinates his victims while he robs them of . . . their most precious possesions! Learn why a_ love-hungry baroness welcomed: his invasions! And why her husband swore to kill him! ee | Together again! The screen’s greatest romantic i duo! In a sparkling, witty, naughty escapade! WILLIAM OWE l wf RANCH TOGETHER IN t YOIDISOTDIOCDIOOIGIOGIO e) e) ©) 42 ie) €) e) 6 *) *) p OWE | * e a / 3 ‘e = Out No.16 OQOut60c Mat: Two greai sSeason’s Out No.8 Out40c Mai CL ELEE LE 3 see e XO) i) i] ee o re re) os OHDS t / OOO OOK Out No.24 Out20c Mate